Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(305) he that will believ,e him, .fhall no further be diLIurbied by mein his belief. I doubt I have wearied the Read .r already, and therefore I (hall only add a fewwords about a few more of the moll corí- âxierable paffages in his Book. Someother ofMr. VTarnerspalages ofmoJl importance conjderec a wag, 385; R. W.Taith [ Its worth the obferving hoVo to evade the Di f inRionof the flits of faith he Pith thatfaith is one aci in 4 moral fenfe , as Taking a man to be my Prince, Teacher, Pkyfitian, &c. and not in a:phyficalfence ; for fo it is many atts,&C. ] And-he confuteth me'thus- : [ glere, Reader, fee the ìj,it Or forgetfolnefsof the man, who toma'ntain his own ground, Bothoften confider faith as Phyfcally flitted in theunderfianding and tbill ; best when we afanIt him noes allow tu, any Phy;rc al but a moral 4cception ofit. ] Anfwer A moil grofs untruth ! f and thatsan Arguing that Faith needeth not) Your forgery is not only without ground, and contrary to my plain and frequent words,but con- trary to the exprefs words that you draw your Obfervation from. I fay faith Phyfically taken, is many a s ; but moral- ly taken it is one work : Hence you call out to the Reader to oblerve, that I will not allowyou any Phyfical but .a Moral Acceptioaof it. ] Is it fit to Difpute with fuch dealing as this ? Do you think that I or any man of brains doth doubt whether faith be a Piryfical A& (except them of lase that take it to be but a Paton and Nominal action ?) Surely all know that it is an A in order of Nature before it is amoral ac`s Adis! moraJM, is firft a5lus Phyficus. Though Moraliter aElos, is e. allot Rep stativtu, may be but a non.a5ting P fiyfically : He that wilfully famieth his own child, doth k.11 himmorally or reputatively, and fo is maralter agent, that is, Reputative.B.ut heal-tat cherifheth him i5 an Agent natural and moral, that is r... Ethical 161 111.11111111111lamaroma....--_