(306) Ethical or Vertubus. I wonder what made you thinkme Of luch an opinion that I have fo much wrote againui ? He next faith, that [ Though by one moral aïl we receive di- vert benefits, yet We receive them to divers put-poles.] A fwer, True 1 But many fuch paffages of yours are to no purpófe.. and fuch is this : impertinent to the bufinefs. F.ige 391. He comes to myDiftin lion, where I 'fay, that ex parte Chrift he fatisfieth :Juftice as a Ranfom, and Teach- ethas as our Mailer, and Ruleth us as our King , yet ex parts noflri, it is but one and the fame entire faith that is the conditi- on of our Title to his leveral benefits : From hence he ingeni- ously gathereth that I fay, [That faithbath bist one refetl to thafe benefits, and ie not eiiverffaedby feveral abs ; and deny the uecefty oftbefe di(lin&l alts in reference to thefeveral benefits of Chri 1.1 Whereas I only maintained, that though the a6ls bePJyfically difin1, yet they are not diftinct conditions of our Intereu in the benefits, but the fameentire faith is the one condition of them all. Hereupon:he learnedly addref eth him: felf to prove that faithbath leverai acts. And he that think- eth it worth his time tö`'tranfcribe and confute his Arguments, let himdo it, for I do not. Page 401. He thinks [We need not difÿute whether the Re- ception of Chrifl by faith, bemoral or Phyjical : however it is not otn improper, but proper reception.] Anftt. i. It Items then we need not difpute whether Chrifts body be every where and whether mans faith do touch him and receive himnaturally as themouth doth themeat ? 2. And whereas Rec:Pere , in its firft and - proper fignificationwas wont to be pati , now it is eegcre : And whereas confent or Acceptance was wont to be called Receivingbut Metonymically now it is becotna a pro- per Reception. Page 303.304. Reafoning againft me,he faith, [ The near- cft formal Reafonof a Believers Tnterefl , is not gods snaking it as condition, Which is the remote reafon thereof , but a Believers julffling the condition,&c.] ' AnfW.i. Here he changeth the queftion, from L What is the nearefl reafon offaiths Interefl JJ to [what is the nearefl reafonof the Bel=every Interefl. j To the irft I fay, [ Itsbeingtnade thecondition ofthe Promife. J Fo the fecond