Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(307) fccond I fay, [The Promife arrantVeil.] 2. He findeth'a learnedConfutation for me,vie. That it is notGods makng,but thefulfilling thecondition that is the formal Reafon.4nfw. Per- formance, that is,Believingmaketh faith to befaith, and exift but the Promife makes that the condition. I fpoke deaf e, and he de exilere: Andyet I ufually fay,that [The nearef Realmof faiths interefl in yuftifcatron, is, as it is thecondition of the Pro- m/is fulfilled] that I might joyn both. 3. Note that in this his Affertionhe grantethme the fumof all that I defire. For if this be true, then it is not the Nature or the lnfrumenta lityof faith that is the neareft reafon, as is ufually faid. Page 200. Hedoth as folemnly call his Adverfarie adpar; tes,as ifhe were ingood fadnefs to tell himwhat is the caufa lity of works in Juftification : And falling to hisenumeration, he tells us that[Tbeparticle A or Ab notes thepeculiar caufadi- ty ofthe efficient the particleEx notes thematerial caufe the particle Per or By, the formalcaufe : theparticle Proper, the finalcaufe.] /Infix. I mutt crave pardon of theReader while I:fuppofe all this to be currant, that I may anfwer adhominess. And then t. It feems>faith'is not the efficient caufe,and'there- fore not. theInstrumental caufe : For A orab is not affixed to it, in this bufinefs. 2. It learns then that faith is the formal caufe of Juftification, becaufe we are faid tobe Juftified Sa' dis-sev; Rom.3.2z 25,30, ., 6,paffim [ ByFaith J So that faith is come tohigher promotion then to be an Inftrumental effici- ent caufe. 3. Hence it feems alto that faith ,.. even the fame faith is [ the materialcatsfe]too : For molt certainly we are laid to be juftified ex fide : ¿v, 71Gews : Rom. 3.26, 30. Ross.5. L G4/.2.16.: &3.ß,7,5s9,22 24.& 5.5. 4m.2.2,4. Whether exfade ti 7i rrs do indeed exprefs an In/trumental efficiente I leave to contderation : But Pure T am it fitly expreffeth the Inc tereft ofa condition. And ifMr. rte. will needs advance faith hereby to be the matter of our Righteoufnefs it mutt be but,' ofour fubordinate particular Evargelical righteoufnefs which' confifteth in fulfilling the condition of Juftification. Chap.s.pag.29.30,3 r . He fpends a Chapter to open tous-- the meaning of [fides qua juftt fcat. ] And profe(feth that it is, the _Gordo controvefi,e ; yea it was the remembrance ofs R:r 2