Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(3 08) this diftin&ion and the light `he received by it that induced 'him to enter on this Difcou= fe ; and that it is the hafts of his following exercitation. And what think you is the happy Light that defervth all th s ofìentation ? Why r. On the Negative weare fstisfied thit he means not [what fides qua fides can do ] ,nd then weare fecure that he means nothing that can hurt hisAdverfaries caufe. 2. The Light then is all but this[ That qua here -is not taken Reduplicative' butf ecifica- live, when by the particle quaor quatenus, there is fore nett or fsngular kind of Denomination added to the fubjeíl ofthe Propofi- tic» : as when tùefay, man as a reafonablecreature feeleth : In this latterfence ( faith he ) I believe theparticle qua or quate- nus is taken, when We donot fay,faith asfaith, but faith as Ni- fjing,viz. as aGrace deigned to this aEl or operation of 7siftify_ ing, looks on Chriíla Saviour.] e'infv. This Chapter was worth the obferving. For if this be the Balls of all the Exercitation, and the Light that Gene- rated all the reft,the difpatch of this may ferve for all. It teems 'byhis words he had look't intoReebe's Di¡Iinaionr in the end of Cafianesu, and meeing withReduplicative and s`fecificative, admired the diffinction as forrie rareDifcovery : and thispreg- nant fruitful Diftinction begot a Volume, before it was half underftoodit felf. Had he but read the large Schemes for ex- plaining ,2,14a or uatenus in others its like it would have either begot a larger Volume, orby informingor confounding him, have prevented this. Firf4, he difowneth the Reduplica- tive fence ; and then owned) the .fecificatfve. But I. He feeth not,it feems, the infufficiency of this diftinction ; 2. Nor the meaning of it; 3. Nor could well apply it to the fubject in hand. Of the firft I (hall fpeak anon. The fecond appear- eth by his Defcriptíon, his Inftance, and his Application. He defcribeth it to be [ When there is fame nett or fngular bind of Denominationadded to the frcbje1of the Propofitïon.] I. And whymay it not be added allo to the Predicate,as well as it may Redeaplicatrvely ?as Motus eft a5Ins mobilis quatenus eft mobile. 2. There are many newkinds of Denominations that will not ferve for your sfecificative Qatenu6. The inflance you live is, [ as when we fay --man as a Reafonable creature f :ileth. ] This