Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

c3o9) This was but an unhappy Tranflation of [Homogts ìenufa;im nasal eft fenfbila i and its true in the Latine, how falte foever in the Englifh. For the Application, t. You fay [ you L Be- lievej its thus taken. As if you did but Believe, andnot know your own meaning in the 1afis of your Exercitation. 2. Your Specificative .Qsatenus is Caufal, or fignifie h the Reafon of the thing, either of the Predication or the thing predicate But fo cannot your Bafis hold good. For faith doth not look ©n Chrift as a Saviour (as you pleafe Metaphorically to fpeak) becatsfe it Juftifieth : for its Nature is before the effeet , and therefore cannot the effe& be given as the caufeof it ; (unlefs it were the final caufe, of which anon.) Q`ua or quatenus properly and according to the commonufe fignífieth the proper reafon ofthe thing or predication ; and is appliable only to that which is fpoken ee iós. As to the terms, fometimes there is a Reduplication of the fame term, fometimesthat reduplication is of the so. tter,but in other term.,.. as in a definition, or fy nominal.words, or it is implyed : fome- times it is the terms of the Pred sate or tAiteibsite that is Re- daplicate; fometimes it is without a Reduplication : And,then fometimes it.giveth a Reafon from an ,1fential Part tome- time from the generical Nature ; fometime from theSpecijack Nature: fometime from an .Accident : and ehofe are divers: fometimefrom a ayaltty : fometime fromQantity fome- time from Relation ; and that is multifarious : If we fhould run into all the fences of this Term which Mr. tv loth lap up in the word [ Spec:ficative ] the words might exceed the pro- fit. And its to be noted that ufually the term is refpe&ive as to fomeother thing excluded which is contrad ftin : &. fo we give fometimesa more .Remate andGeneral,& fometime a-neer- er and more fpecial Reafon,by uaor quatenus. As ifyou mix a purgingEleáuary in your Drink, I fay that Purgeth grsa:te- nus medicated, which is to exclude the D from being Pur- gative. If I fpeak of the Elec`luary, I may fay that it purgeth quatenus Diagridiate, to exclude many other Ingredients from beingPurgative. But if I fpeak of the ¶ ,kgrid-irk, I may fay that it Purgeth as having an Eleiive faculty,'&c. to ex,'ec'e- other Reafonsofits operation. R r 3 Now