Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(3.10) Now for the openingof the matter in hand, let Ili ti cèr- tain Propofitions that may be fuppofed to be laid down con. cerning Faith. [ z. Faith as faith juftifsetb] This is True , taken hexelye for the excludingof [faith a4 aweer Phyfscalat%, or meritor: ou4,8tc. ] but it isfalfe fl rittlytaken,as fignifyíng-the formal or neareft reafon. So C2.. Fides in Chriflumqua talk 7u(1ificat ] that is , hoc fides inffiecie] is true, taken Laxely andmaterially to exclude all other Faith : q, d. ¡t is not faith in Peteror Paul, but faith in ChrÍft 44 fuch that is the :natter deputed, to be the condition of affifcation. Bit itsfalfe taken flritiy, derationeformali. 3 : So [This faith as. it is an ApprehenPion or Acceptance of Chrif#, j4ifaeth.] Its true, Materialiter &Remotirte, Laxly .> but falfeformaliter & flrittede rations proxi na. For this ïa the "farne in other terms with the fecond.. So [ 4. Faith juflifieth ae an Infirsemertal efficient caufeof our 7sjtifcatkon.] Icsfalfe in every tolerable fence. SO 5. Faith juflifietbaa,an Jnflrument ofreceiving Chrif .] Its true, i. taking the word :[ infiruasent-] Metaphorically,, and meaning only the Natureofthisfaith, which is [ to Believe . in andAccept Chrift.] a, and taking uatenu4 remotely, laxely;. and »mattrial, only,q.d. Faith i! the Elefledmatter ofthe condi'- :ion (o is chofen to be the conditionof Ju-ftification) for tbio. Aptitude, ae,or. becaufe it rk a Reception or Acceptance of ehrif o But its faffe, I . Taking an [ Infiniment ]flrillll andLogical,.. !y, and fpeaking de rationformali. So [ 6. Faith as a believing in Chrifts fäcriface , ju/Hf&eth Its true, Laxly,Materialiter &partialiter : that is, Mid a5_ offaith,, part oft*, matter ofthe condition. But its falfe,fortmas- liter deratione proximo. So [ 7. Faith juftifetb only as it ;r4 a Tsliming in Chriftsfa- erifce or Righteoufnefs.] Its falfe both de materia & de.rationc f ormali. So [ 3 Faithas juftifyingk only it Believing in, or Accept- ing Chri.ft ár our Ranfom. ] Here is darknefs, and either non- , fence or falfedoetrine. i. [ As 7nftifying ] lignifieth either [ ajuftifying efficient weft] z. Or [ae the merit or matter of oar,,,