(3 ii) ottr Righteoufnefs.] 3. Or [ as:tbemBáns i. e. condition of óiìr Bighteoufnefs ofw&o.ch 7rfiifcation is a confect« t and final carafe.] In the firft fenfe it is everyway falfe. In the fecond feat it is every way falte , ¡peaking of our Uaiverfal Righte- r out-ties. In the third fenfe,.iffpokenJaxely de materia,it¢ falle, becaufe of the exclufive [ Only..] Andiffpoken tie rgtio+pefare sali velproximo, i. Itsprepofferous{toput the Confequent 'before theAAntecedent,ifyou fpeak deordine exequendi : 2. And it is falte : For [ qua 3uftifccans] fpeaketh of juflification as theconfequent,or as an aft, and not of the Nature of Faith it fe1£ And therefore [ qua 7uflificans ] faith ia. nothing ( much lefs that ad alone.) For it is not da eft fidei that the term fpeaks, but of the confequent ; So that the [ Fides quaj:rflifim canseft] what ever a& youmention, is abfurd and unfound : For as nog juflifacat paten's: efl,itanon.ell quatenut Jtaftificat; its Effencebeing pre-fuppofed. But if you fpeak isordine Ira tsntioniI, viz. [ Faith as eleaeda means or condition ,o fpifltl- -cation is only aRelieving in Chriflsfacriface. ] then Laxey d- o/Materially it would beTrue, if it were not for the [ only.] But becaufe of that it is falfe,both de materia de ratsone for- mall. The natureof it is before its Office. So [ 9. Faith as defigned to this all or operation of fuflifying, look; on Chrifl as a Saviour.] This is Mr. r's. Affertion. But I. juflifying is not anatl or operationoffaith ; but of God on theBeliever. 2. But ifyoumeanbut conftituting it the con- ditionof Juftfication,lhen i . the wrongend is fet firft : For itdoth not lookat Chrift, as its made the condition ; but its made the condition, becaufe being anAccepting of Chrift, its Apt for that Office. So that Materially andLaxely , its thus true; (a Saviour,comprehendeth ChrisKingly and Prophe- tical Offices, and everlafìing Priefihood in Heaven) But this is nothing to the formal Reafon of its Intereft in juftifica- tian. But left you think that [ qua 7uflificans ] hath no proper place, I further inflance [ 9. Faitha jull fying from faithas entitling to Heaven, or other promifed mercies.] This is true (fuppofing Jufification and the faid Title to Glory to differ.) Fur this is but a denominationof the fame faith from its