C3 1z) qt diversconfequents. As my lighting a candle beingonea&ii CM is AE1ioill3minanr ( ut caufamoralis, ) calefaciens ; qua illntninall non efl calefaciens. So a womans marrying a Prince, is an Hotburing, enrichinga& ; and pa hononrivg, it Is not en-iching. But its the fame entire undivid:d a& or An- tecedent Mans, or Condition, that is thus varíouíly denomi, . nated from feveral Benefits.. And thus Relations may give divers denominations to the farne perfon ; the fameman may be confidered as a Father,as a Phyfitiau, as a Subje&,&c. So io: FAITH WHICH IS AN . EFFECTUAL AC- CEPTANCE OF and AFFIANCE I N CHRIS I A S CHRIST, was CHOSEN and ORDAINED by God the Condition of 3tsfification.and Life, becaufe his Wifdorn (alt it fit for that Office, andthat fitnefr lyeth i,n its re. all to the Gbjeti and codsends (fuppofingwe may affign Reafons or caufes of Gods Will.) By thisfaith (loconflituted the Condition) we aÑe aElually JUSTIFIED AS T I S THE PERFORMED 'CONDITION] OF GODS PR,OMISE.] This is_ the plain Truth in fewand. calle words, / By what is Paid you may fee that when they fay. [faith at 7u= fifying ] is this or that it is both prepofterous, and the ( qua] as diftin& from the [ qw e ] de ratione formali, caufally fpolten, is plainly falfe! : But inother cafes, Laxely and Materially, the ['via j fignifieth the farhe as the [ qua ] with the exclufionof ether matter.Andwhen they have railednever fogreat a duff, the Queftion is but this : Whether we are juilifaedby Believing its Chrifi as Cbrifl; or only in Cbrif a; a Ranfott] ( and yet as aRanfom and as dying he purchafeth Sanctification as well as juftification.) Or. [ Whetherfaith in Chrifl as Chrifi , or only faith in Chriff a; Purchafing f nftìfacation: be the conditionofour yafrification.] Reader, Having 4hewed the darknefs of that Light that Traded Mr. Ws. Exercitation, and overthrown its Bans, I (hall put thee..tono further trouble. TO