(313) bt . . Sï3 Tomy ReverendBrother Mr. ohn Warner,Preacher ofthe Gofpel at. ChriftSChurch in H4nt/h re Sir, r 'Hough ( through the privacy ofmyhabitation ) Ineverfa much as heardofyour name, beforeyour Eookof the Objeét and Office offaith was in the Prefr; yet upon :lot perufal of it I confidently conclude, that a zeal for God and that Whichyou verily thin&to be his Tresth,hathmovedyau to this undertaking ä and doubt/0 s you think that you have done God fervice by it. I love your zeal ; andyour iadgnation againfl Error; andyour tende rnefe of fo great a point as r hat of7ufi,fication. Andcould I fini youLight to be anfwerable to yotsr heat Ihope I fhersld alto love and honour it : Eadyou not taken me (With rbe tWo Re- venal Bretbrtn Whomyou oppofe) to be the enemies ofthe per - fon and Grace dare Lord Jefus,or the followers of them (as you fay, Fpijl. p:ig.,6.) I am perft aded you Would not baveeither called enfo, or th ugbt your felt called to this a(fault. eí4nd if Hove Chrift,l mutt love that wan that batethme, though miffa- kingly,for thefulge ofC'hrift. That principle Withinyou that bath made Chrilt and Truth fo dear to you, that you rife up for that which feemetk toyou to be Truth, 1 hope Willgrow till you attain p rfe£lionin that w?-tdof L=ght that will end our difference.. 1 Pall notgo about to deprecateyour indignation for my plain ex- preons in thó-s Defence, When the nature of your matter did re- quire them : For I amnot fo unreal-enableas to expelí that fair words fhould reconcile agoodman to thofe that he takes to be ene- mies to On-ill, or to their followers. Bat as I can truly fay if I knowwhat is in eny heart, that the Reading of your Rook bath S j" bred