(3 I 4) bredno enmity tope in my brill, but only kindleda love toyour zeal, witha cempagion ofyour darkncfr, and br eifl,ke ofyour Io muchconfidence in thedark; fo it fh ill be my care as it is my du- ty, to love you 45 a miflakeu fervant ofChr ifl, t h.or+,ghyore !hoe& take me for Wegreateft enemy. And therefore being confcious ofno worfe affetlions to you, t defre tbat Yratice ofrou, as to im- pute the ungratefull paffages that you meet With, to my,appreben ionof the badnefsofyour can/e and drgurnents, anda compafon to thepoor Church that mull be troubled and tempted, andendan- geredbyfuch großmiftiakes, andnot to any contempt ofyour per- fen, with which Imeddle not, butas you are the author oftbofe Arguments. lnr your Prefacerfind a La* impofedby you on your Anfree- rer,which 1 have not fully obferved : Y. Becaufe 1 had Written my Reply toyour Arguments a con fderable time before I faW your Preface ; For it fell out that 1 firfl faW your Book without the Rpiflle and Preface. a. Beci,ife f thought it firtefl to fol- loW the Method that my Subjeti and the Readers Ldificationdid require. 3. Tee did I once purpofe to haveanfwered allthat was ofmoment inyour Book againfi the Truth: but upon trial I found your Reafonsfa inconfiderable; th.+t rearinefs interruptedme and put an end to my Reply, andwithal [grew confident that my la- bour Would be to little purpofe. For I dare venture any hart i- ons Divine uponyour Rook without the help ofa Reply : Andfor the refs, it ;ú not replying that will ferve turn : but either preju- dice will bold them to the fide that they have taken, or elfe they Will thinkhim in the right that loath the laß word : When they have readmine,they will think that lam in the right ; andWhen they have again readyours , they will think that you carry the caufe : andwhen they readmy Reply again,they willfay,you Were rniia4 n ; but ufisally they will goWitb the party that ie ingreat- eft credit; or bath mofl intereft in them or advantage on them. Butyet 1 think, you Will find that none ofyour firength againfi me is negletleel : For I can truly fay, that when f think not meet to Anjorer all that a man barbfind, %neverpals by that which I take to &e his firength, but purpofely call out that, and leave that Which I think isfo grofly weak as to need no anfwere So much ofyour tenZhmands or La1z', u f apprehendednecef are, l have here