Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(318) timer çlorifiaation, andconfammate 7isf#sfication. But jet as ¡do in the Definition include Con+enc to Chri s Lcirdfhip though not Obedience ( thus ownly implyed to be a neceffaey con_ fequent,) fo f ffill fay that much of Y' r ynfli cation r.s yet to come ; And if your Religion leashyou to fay, t,iae you will be beholding to Ckr?ft for nomore fuftifácation fo doth not mine. And whereasyou cite fame that fay, that all our fins are par- doned in ourfirft believing,as ifIhadgueftioned anyEach thing,, mutt tell you that I ealïlygrant it, that every fin is then for- given,andfofaras that 74s(tification is perfeîi;but what haveyou yetfaid to prove, i. That we are neverjuftifaed byfaith, but in that one inftant. 2. That We need no particular Juftification fromparticular fins that after(hall b' committed. 3. Nor no fentential Juffificationat ?lodgement, which Burgefs will tell you, is the chief. Tou andothers ufe tofay, that, that at Judgement , is but Declarative. Rut i. It is no common Declaration, but a Declaration by the Judge. 2. And the Sentence dotbmore then meerlydeclare ; for it Both finally decide, acquit and adjudge to Glory. 3. Andmethinks this Declarative Pools/ be no term of Diminution, but of Aggravation, with chafe that /till ufe to fay that Juftification is ajudiciary Term. lad!That thefe matters among thefriends ofChrif# and Truth, fhould needfa many words. Some more Thad tofay toyou, but you may find it in the Pre- face to theft Difputations. I only add, that if indeed it be true which youWrite to that Honourable perton, to whom you,dedicate your Labors, viz. That the SabjeE ofyour Difcourfe isfo ex- cellent and nece(fary to be known; and that He who is Igno- rant of the Obje& and Office of Faith, doth neither know what he believeth , nor how he is juftified ; I fbould think` it is high time , that you call your Onderftanding once more to an account, and review the Fabrick that you have built on a qua juftìficans not underftood, or upon a fpecificative quate-, aus, where there is nofstch thing: And ifyore thinkme unfit to be bearkned to in this, ( as being one of the men of perveríe minds that thereyoumention ) its more Worthy your induftry, tofeek, the advice of the learned Oxford Divines herein , then that