Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(32,0) that theyshould befought to approve and to d*ifefucha Book1n:, to the world: and its likely that their Charity will provoke them to beferviceable to you in this; tho'rgh 1hear that their Discre- tion forbad them the otter. For all men are notfo ea(ily thífi`- led into a Chrifts- Church contentioñ againfl the Truth and Church of Chri; as `Dr, K. and one or two Confident that living in a coldand fieril Country, are lefs fubflantive,dndmore adjetive,then Innocents and Independents isle to be. None'shere fo fruitful as the Leasing Vine : And what though fome be drunken with the Wine ?. They'1 fight the better, if they can but hit : And lay about themwithout fear or -) But flay 1 SeeWhat Example is ! Al the name of D-. K.andthe remem- brance of his differtatiuncula ( an Appendant to fax pro Tri- bunali, that couldfalva fide, fadem folvere) began to rice me into ajocound vein ; fo your concluding Poetry hadalmost tempted me in an Apifh imitation to Poetize, when w.earinefs made me think of a conclnfion. Bus l had rather conclude with thisfe- rious motion toyen (that my end may meet your beginning,)rhat before you next write on this Subject, you will better confider of the quefl ion that your qua jultificansconcerneth : And in- steadof telling us , that fides qua juftificans refpicit Chriltum Salvatorem, that is, fidesqua juftificans eft fides , as ifit were jui1ifyíng in order of Nature before it is Faith : you will be pleafed to tell us , sub qua ratione fides jutíficat ( vel fide jultificamur ? ) Whether you willfay , that fides qua juftih- cans , juftificat , or fides qua fides juttificat , (zrhich I thinkJou disown,) or fides qua refpicit, apprehendit tecipit Chriftum, Which is all one, as tides qua fides, or fides qua lnitrumentum apprehendens which Metaphorical cxpreffian (fillfignifiethno more then[ qua credit inChriftum, or qua fi- des? ] OrwhetheryouWillfundto whatyore bave a(trmed.chap. 9. pag, 157, that its Gods affignationof it to the office, who therefore