Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C325) Sir, PON reading of the Poffcript in your late Book, I have fent you thefe Ani- madverfions. You fay Auhor. of Ju- ítification, pag. 184: [ All thofe Scriptures which[peakof Julification as done in this life, / underftand of yuflifi- cation in Title of LaW. So Rom. 5. r.. and4.2. and 5.9. lam. 2.2 t, 25,&c.] I conceive Juflification being Gods A&, Rom 3.30. Rem.8.3.3. confequent upon Faith , and calling, and importing a fentence oppofite to Condemnation ; Rom.8.3o,33,34 and 5.1. terminatedon particular perlons, Roof. 4.2,3. Rom.8. 3 o. it muff be more then the Vertual Jufificationin Law-Title ; which is only an adt of God pre- scribing or promifig a way of Juftification, not the fentence it felf, and is general, and indeterminate to particular perlons, and is performed before the perfon jufified believes : Yea is the fame, though none were a&ually ¡unified : and therefore in myapprehenfion, that A& of Gods Covenanting or pro- tnifing, in which I conceive you place the Juftificationby Law-Title. lef. 38. Ìs not the Jnftificationby/faith meant, Rom.ç.r.dc. Befides, to be juftiled notes a Paifion , which prefuppofeth an Aftion; an At Tranfient, not immanent; or only Gods purpofe to juftifie : nor can it be Gods Promife to juBific :. T t 3 For