(326) 1.1ór the Act, though it beTranfient, yet it is only a Declarati. on what hewill do ; his promife to juftifie uponcondition not Juftifyirg and therefore a man is not by the Covenants without a further Aft, Denominated Juflified, though he be made juflifyable by it. I conceive,Juflification is a Court term, Importing an Aft of Cod as Judge, whereas his promifing is not his Act as Judge,but Reaor,thef.42. you mention the An- gels judging us Righteous, and Rejoycing therein ; which whence it fhould be,but by a fentence pallid in Heaven,I know not. Conftitutive Juflification, different fromDeclarative by fentence, I do not find exprefTed under the term [7ufsification] 't would be confideredwhether any other Aft betides the fen- tence, doth make a man juft,bur giving of faiths notwithftand- ing Chrifts Death,and the conditional Covenant before faith,a perfon is only juftifyable ; Cond;tionnlis nihil ponit in efJe. A per- fon is upon giving ofFaithjuftified ; but not by givingof faith (chats an at ofSanLification)but by a fentence ofGod,Yhef. 9.You make juftif:cation a continned aâ;now it being a tran- iient aát,I fuppofe it may not be well called a continued Aft, which imports a fucceffìve motion between the term:nru a quo, and terminue ai guemç whereas the aá,whetherby fentence,or Covenant,is not fuch a Motion. Its clot to be denyed,that the Benefit and Vertue of it is continued, but I think not the Aft. If it benotfemel, but ftpe,yet it fhould be rather called Atlas Renovates,Repetitus,lteratue,then continued.1 incline to think there is but one Juilificationof a perfon in this life, though there be frequent remilfions offin. Of this you may Confider. In theSaints Everlafling Refit, pag. t I. Doubtlefs the Gof- pel takes faith for our obedience to All Gofpel Precepts. Be- lieving doth not produce fubje&'son toChrift as King, as a fi- nite, but contains it as an Ef ential part , Ur c. Aphor. p. z5.5. Faithdoth as Really and Immediately Receive Chrift as King (as Saviour,or Prieft) and foJuflifie,Thef.G5. Scripturedoth not take the word [ Faith] for any one fingle Act ; nor yet for various Asofone only faculty ; but for a cotnpleat en- tire motion of the whole foul ro Chrift its Object, 7bef.57. It is the Act offaith' which juftifies men at Age , and not the Habit. Againít