Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C3 z7) Agáinft this I object ; z . Faith trorketh by Love, Gal. 5- 16. if one be an efí'ential part of the other, and faith a corn- pleat entire motionofthe foul,then when it is faid,Faith work - eth by Love, it might be faid,it worketh by Faith. 2. Gofpel Precepts are many, if not all , the fame with the Moral Law ; if juftified then by obedience to them, are we not juftified by the works of theLaw ? You conceive the Juftiri cation, 7a n.z. to be by works in a proper fence and that be- fore God ; and R>shmb. act was a workof Hofpitality, ver.25.. commanded in the Law ; and Ahr.h on; work was a facri &- cing, or offering a work ofthe Ceremonial Law, var. a z . 3. Repentance is obedience to one Gofpel Precept; yet Faith and Repentance are diftinguifbed, Mar.I.z5.6,I. Love, Faith, Hope, are three, a Cor. i 3.13. z Tern. z . S. 2 Thef. i . 3. faith andLove have different Objects,Col.1.4.` 44.5. z Thef. a. . Therefore notthe fame ; nor one an Effential part of the other. 4. Obedienceis a fun to prove fai h 7am.2. I8. and there- forenot an Effential part. 5. If Faith include obedience to all Gofpel Precepts as an Effential patt,then actual faith includes actual obedience to all: . Gofpel Precepts as an effential parc;and if the Act. of faith Ju- ,ftifie men at Age, not the Habit; and receiving Chrift as King,: s immediatly j uflifte, asbelieving in Chrift as Saviour, then a perfon ofAge is not) uflifted without actual obedience to á.11 Gofpel Precepts, and this may be not till Death ;if the n , and fo, no Juftification in this Life. 6.IfFaith juftifse as immediatly by receiving Chrift as King, . as by receiving him as Saviour then it ¡unities by receiving Cbriflas Judge, Matth.2.5.34. a_ l.,awgiver, Avenger of h12 enemies, and fo a man is jafl f ed B receiving Chrifts Judging, punifhing, Condemning, Commanding, Avenging, as well a; favingby his Death ; which is contrary ro Rom. 3.25. & 5.9, 7. The Scripture makes the object of¡unifying faith-Chiafie Death, Refurrection, Blood, _on .3 .2 5 . t n.9, G I.2. t7,Z s a Nowhere Chrifts dominion.Lego. ubjectïon to Chrift as King is not an effendi! part. 8. The object of faith is nowhere n de,to° be a .Gofpel Precept,