Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( `33 2) 4. ? TheCovenant is an Act paf,Tít. t.2. G41.3 7,g fonot iontinned ; come p 'ntly, the Jult' ficaaion barely by it, without any other Aràt- muff be pail long fince, and not conti- nued ; and _heneither JiibRca ion Actual, and in purpopfe ; or virtual , will be confounded, or an effect fhall be continued, without thecaufe. Tan. a 7, 1651, Tours. I. T. Rrvevend Ss;,'., AM more thankfull to you,for, candid, rational Animdverfions, then I can nowexprefs toyou : yet being Rill conflrained to diff nt fromyou,by the evidence of Truth, I give you dieteReaîonsofmy diffent. I.Firít, You think that (theScripture; cited, arenot tobe in tepveteda 7u, ifcation in Title of. Lzw, becaufe this it only an' Aa of God.pre(cribing or protnifrng a war of Iuiificati©n ; not the fentence-it felf ; and isgeneral, andindeterminate to particu- lar perfont, &c.] To which I anfwer. r.Thac I am pail doubt that youbuild all this-on a great miftake about the nature of GodsLawor Covenant,&Promife,& the moral aáion thereof.. Foryou mutt know that this Promife of God, I. is not a bare 21,fertio explicans de futuro animum grsi hunt eft ; ( as Grotim fpeaks : ) Nor yet that which he calleth Pollicirario, cum voluntag feipfam pro futuro tempore determinat, cum figno fufficiente adjudica,ndarn perfeverandi neve tatetn. But it is erfeEia `Promifo, ubi ad determinationem talent accedit fgnum volendi jutproprium . alteri conferee, quafimile.m babes of eaumqualern olienatio Dominii. Eft emit» aut via ad aliena- tionem rei, ant alienatioparticula cujufdám noftra libertatiso, ,&ç,Yid. ultraÇrot.dejure Belli li. 2.C. I t .§.2.3,4. 2. This Promife or Covenant ofGod,is altohis7'eftament and who knoweth not that .,a ,Teftan,ent is an !nftrilrent of proper `Donation, andnot only 'a PrediElion ? 3. Moreover this fame which in one refpe& is a Covenant and Promi ,. aud inanother a Teftament, is allo truly part of Gods Law, even. theNew confgitutiou of Chrift, theLaw-giver and King. But iiadolabedly a Law whichcoferreth Right either absolutely