Now you add I that haveadventured to enquire, do happen to be both fingular fromothers,anddifferingbetweenour felves, (onlyMr. Rutterforal, and Tome few others. I find laying oft, that we are pardoned and jufified by, the Gofpel : by which they feem to mean as I . Ant for your way of Juftificati- on by a fentencebefore the Angels as, I never met with any that, judged that to be our jullification by Faith, fo as I have Paid, is Teems to me very groundlefs and ftrange. And then, if yours stand not, mineonly muff, for any thing that is yet difcovered,that I have. feen;for I knowof none that tells us of any third, Your near Qbje&ion is the fame before anfwered that [ Gods Promife to juffifie., is only a. declarationwheat be Vollldo, and therefore a man is not byCovenant Witbout a foarther Act jasfliftd, but jufl..ifiable. ] Anfwer. Grotisis defatisfatl. will tell you, that Promifes give right to him to whom they are made ; and that therefore they cannot be reclaimed, though threatnings may. But if thefe were only Promifes that God will, by another At do this or that for us,, then it were to the purpofe that you fay : but that you cannot prove. Nor needs there anyother A&, but the moral A&ionof the Inftrument it felf to change our Relationshere : Etfrnflrafit pro plura, etc. Indeed an Act of ours[Relieving]ruft come in before the effe& : but you and I are agreed, that this isbut conditi- onal, and not effeetive. Thefe Promifes therefore being alfo Gods Laws Teft.atnent ( of Chrift ) Deed of Gift, Cove- nant,; etc. they do not only foretell an Event to corne to pats by fome other Ae1ion; but they do confer a Right or make due the benefit or relation, and fo effe .tit ; only the Author is p'eafed to fufpend the effect of his Infirurnent, till we perform the Condition, As if by a Leafe, or Deed of Sale, there be fome Office or Dignitymade over to your or fume command inArmy or Court, or Country : or by a Law a Eoraigner be Naturalized or Enfranchized, on fuels or fuck aCondition;This Leafeor Deed,or Lawdothnet only force!, but effect the thing. You add that [ 7uflifcation is Ol Court-term,, importing an Aft of Clod as ?cadge, whereas his frarni fng is at . his AÇI as judge,