( 339 ) ysidge, but Redor. ] Arrfwer i. If by Court.term, you allo mean a Law- term, ( ver"buw forenfe orjudtcixrium in the full fenfe) I agree with you. But if you confine it to thefen- tence as pronounced, I require Proof; as alto proof of any fuch fentence before Judgement, particular or general. A Reetor is either Supremos or Subaltern's: : A Judge is either fuprtme above all Laws, asbeing"the'Law-giver, or fob lege. God is. both Redor and judge, only in the .firft fenfes : and byjudging, he Ruleth ; and Redor is but theGenus, whereof ?udex is afpecies. As Reflorfisprer»us, God is the Legiflator, and fo acteth (and juftifieth by his Laws, Grants, &c. as Judge he fentenceth and abfolveth thofe that were firft made ¡nit. A man is acculed for killinganother in fight, at thecommand of the Soveraign Power. Is it not as fit a nd proper a laying, to fay '[ The LaW dotb juftifie this man forfo doing aggainfl all Accufers, ] as to fay, [ The ?rage willjuftifie him ? ] Nay, Is it no: more ordinary ? And in a fort, the Supream or Soveraign may be laid to be ( though in a diffe. rent fenfe )-juftihcd , as well as an Inferior ; whenyet the laid rerfon in upremacybath no Judge, nor is to have any by Law,and fo cannot be juftified by fentence: Godwill bejuffi- fied in his fayings,ec.as hehath in a fort bound himfelf by his own Laws,that is, fignified his Refolution toobferve them; fo in thefenfe of thefeLaws, his works arenow jute, and (hall be hereafter fo be manifefted : but not by any fentence of a Superior. But this I confefs differeth from our Juftiffica. tion. Next you fay,[rou knownot whence it/hauldbe that gngeis fhould judge us righteous, and rejoice therein, but by afentence p +fled in Heaven. J Anfwer. If you think ( and prove) that Angels cannot know us to be righteous, then I will not affirm that they judge us fo, For I prefuppofe that that they know us to be fo made by force Act before,and therefore they judgeus tobe as we are. And if theymay know that we are Believers, and know that the New Law juitifieth all fuck, then they may judge us to be juflified without any fentence in Heaven, even as they know when a fanner is converted, and rejoice in it which doubtiefs they may know without a fentence in X x z Heaven