Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

Heaven pronouncingus converted ; and. Gods making their Zinftruments in conferring his Mercies may make them. know. You fay that [ Conflitative 70ification diferent fromDe= clarative by fentence, Ido not findexpreffed under the term au; f ification : ) it would beconfidered , l%bether any other Act be fide the fentence, doth makea man jufl , but givingoffaith . ] Anfwer. Thefe two things I (hall prove to convince you : (be- cauff this is of fome moment.) i . That force Act there mutt be to conttitute us juft,before or betides the fentence. 2. That neither the fentence nor the givingof Faith doth firft andpro- herlycontitute usTuft. I. If we be not juft beforewe arejudged as juf,then Gods judgementfhould not be according to Truth.But Gods Judg- ' ment is accordingtoTruth : therefore we are juft before we are fo . judged. 2. He that bathChrift,and the Benefits ofhis. fatisfaciory Righteoufnefs given him by the New Law, Cove- nant, Testament or Grant ofChrift, ishereby conftitured righe teous. But every Believer bathChrift and the laid benefits (i- ven him in andby theLaworCovenant: therefore he is there- by made orconfituted Righteous.. And here by the way take notice,, that theNewLaw or Co- venant bath two, Offices.; the one to BellowRight to the Be- nefit: and hereby it makes Rtthteocus The other to Declare and rn.ßnifeft openly, and to be theRule ofpublique Judgement and fo it doth both amlione morali proclaim believers righteous, andVirtually fentence them fo. And therefore in Rohs, io.s.. it iscalled [ the Rightc. sfnefswhich is ofthe LaW ] And if the Old Law had a power of making Righteous if man could have performed the condition, fo alto bath the New. 2. And that the fentencedoth not cogitate us Juít needs no proof : It is the work of a judge by fentence to clear the. Guilclefs,and not to makethemGuiltlefs. Pardon indeed may do fomewhat to it: but that is not the action of a Judge as a.. judge, but ( as youbefore diftinguifhed) ofa Reaor (in cafe of tranfgrefiìng Lawes.) A Judge pronounced) men to be what they firft areaccording to Law ; and not mnakcs them to be righteous who are not. He that faith to the wícked,thouart. Righteous