0345) (*Openedmy mind to you about this in` my Aphotif. that fpeak only of the fubjeílion of the Heart ; and not of the Aílua1Obedience,which is theprattifeof it. I fpeak but of the Acceptation of Chrift for our Lord, or the Confect thereto. and fo giving up our (elves to be his Difciptes, Servants Or Subjec`lvs. This I maintain tobe an Effential part ofjuftifying Faith,in the ftrict and proper fenfe ofthat word. Its true that dejure Chrift is Kingof U:abelievers, and foof them that acknowledge him not tobe their King. But in or- der of nature, the acknowledging of his Dominion, and confent thereto, ikad fo receivinghim tobe our King, doth go before our obeyinghim as our King. As a woman in marri- age- Covenant , taketh her Husband, as one whom'fhe mutt obey add be faithful! to : But that taking or contenting; goes before the Paid Obedience, as every Covenant before the performanceof it. Yea though the fame act fhould be both an acknowledgement of, and confent to the Authority, and altoan obeying of it ; yet it is .Quatenus a confent and accep- tance of that Authority, andnot as it isan obeyingofit, that Ifpeak of it when I afcribe Jultification to it : as faith in the commonfenfe is certainly anact of Obedience to God : and yet Divines fay it justifies not as it is Obedience, but as an Infrmnaent. So that by Heartfnhjetlion to Chrift, I mean that act by which we give up our felves to Chrift as his Sub- jects to be ruled by him ; and by which we take him for our Soveraign on his Redemption- title. But when I judge the word Faith to be taken yet in a larger fenfe, comprehend- ing obedience,I never Paid or thought that fo it is the condition ofour firít Juttifica:ion,nor will I contend with any that thinks the word is never taken fo largely , it being to me a matter of fmal moment. Now to your Objections. i. \JOU fay, [Faith ttorkerh by Love,, &c. ] Anfw. Faith is fometime taken ftrictly for a Beliefof -Godsword, or an Affent to its Truth. 2. Sometime more largely for thewills embracing alto of the objec as an offered good, betides the underftindings Afent to the Truth of the Y y word