Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(346) word which offereth it.The former is bythe Apoftle oft diftin- ,guifhed fromLove, and is laid to work by Love ; as the live ly acts of the undertandïng produce anfwerable motions in the will. But the later is that faith which juft;ñeth; to wit, The Receiving of an offeredChrift. And this comprizeth both the Act of the U: derftanding and Will ( as almoft ail Prote- ftant Divines affirm. ) But both thefe acts together are called Faith from the former, Which is molt ftrictly fo called : be- catufe the great difficulty then lay in Believing the Truth of the Gofpel. ( and would do Rill, if it were not for the ad-. vantages of Credit., Education, Cuftom, Oc. ) therefore the whole work is thence denominated : though yet the corn- pleating of the work be in the Will, and the Underftandings Act but preparatory thereto. 2. You tauft alto diftinguith between Love to Chrift the Mediator, and the Grace of Cha- rity i,ageneral, as it is extended alto to God as Creator, to Saints, co all men, dec. And between that firft act ofLove, which ,is in our f rft receiving of atilt, and the love which wcafterwards exercife onhim and fo I anfwer you. r. That as the Apottle dilinguifheth between Faith, Hope and Love, fo do Io 2. Faith taken ftrictly for affent, ro DivineTefti. a pony , produceth love in every one of the forementioned fenfes (of the wordLove : ) 3. Juftifying faith (comfrizing the wills acceptance) produceth both the grace of Charity, as it is exercifed on other objects, and alto the following acts of it. towards Chrift the Mediator: And for acknowledge that Faith worketh by Love, and that Love is not faith. But yet. whether Love be not in Come fenfe elfential to ¡unifying faith, ifyou fpeak only of Love to Chrift, and that not as a dilfinct grace, it is cornprized in our Acceptance of him at firft, í (hall leave to your confideration, when you havefiat refol- ved thefe things. I. Whether juftifying faith benot anact of the Will as well as theUnderftanding ? . Few but Papifts de- ny it, andnot all ofthem. 2. Whether Chrifi himfel fbenot the object of it ? Few,Proteftants will deny it 3. Whether good be not the obje 4 of the. Will and fo Chrift be not wil- led as Good ? None doubts of it. 4.. Whether this willing *not ,tiefame as Loving, as-love isfind in the rational ap- petite i? ..