(3+7 ) p itae ? St t'eAq*iwas faith fo, r6-ntan that I know contra- dicting it. 5 Whether 'oncan call e4fffrance, or anyouter act Of the Will MIiffitg faith, excluding this spilling, or not ptiricipaiiy inducting it ? for i. This is the Wills fir f# act to- wards it object andwilt you fay thatLove ;goes before ¡uni- fying faith, and tobefore Juftification ? and firth a Love as is ° diftinct from jnfiifying faith as li'éi`rgcopartof it ? How then isLove' the fruit of faith, and as Divines fay, a confequent of Juftification ? Yet it is beyond alI doubt , that this l'e!fè or Lava toChrift goes before Affiance on him, or 2 n other act of the Will.vide 4quirr, 1.2. GQ. s . a. 3 3. Et, i ,. o a.1 Lt relit de anirlta, 1. 3. eap.9. 27,28 Et Amefeentra Çrs c epag.r(r. z. And can it be imagined that precedingagent, and fubfec uent Affiance, inChriftfhôuld be conditions of our jignificatiori andyet thePete Chri funs oblatxm,that Willing which $e'cal Coafent, Elcf ion or Acceptancc, which goeth be- t+weerralrentand Aftance flould be excluded as no part of this condition ? 3`.Efpecially confider ng that Affiancecontains di- vata ,whereof one isof the Irafcible- of the fenfitive,and fo is, but an iarperar'e aâOf the Will, and Is noble then that eli- csre Mt (which 1 plead for,) as well as PeJt rior to it: and if Acy riu. Be riot Ott in his Philofophy,. when he fooft faith, that fiduria is fpeiraborata,tben ourDivines makeHope to juilifie. Yet fewail this, fhave rickefpoufed this Paying, that Love to, CVO' genial to jufófjing faith : nor will contendwith any Mari that thinks it onrtfeet : if we agree inthe thingsof Moment I hate` to'qua'rrefebout words. Nor'dcif think if ameet phrafe to fay, we are jutifedby Lo&é, (thtugb ?ri the ffnfe beforementioned,, I think it true,) "becaÚüfeit i btit a part , or affection as-it were of that recep. am; b'rvitithwe are ilftified, and i#ands not in fo full a rela- tion fo theobjettreceived. And yet, if I had laid none ofall this, T feenot that I, need asSyr more. then tOdeny your confequence, as being wholly ungrounded: Pon it fólloweth not , that if it be an eáien= tiai part'3 that tl etcfôre it mutt have the Denornination of the wPfofe' e yea , thou h the whole be faidtework b that' part. The Brain and Heart are effential paris of the Y Body: