(44-8)" ROdy : and yet not tobe called the Body ; and it is morepro- per to fay that the body worksby the Brain or Heart or that the vegetative foul doth work by the natural heat and Spirits; then to fay, the Body worketh by theBody, or the vegetative foul by it felf. I will explain all together in my ufual Similitude, which is Dr. Preflone ( or rather Paul: ) A condemned Beggar is offered. a Pardon, and. an to be ° made a Qseen, if the will but take thePrince for her. Hus- band. Nowhere put your Q2eflions. i. . Jr Love anypart the Condition of her Pardon and Dignity ? Anfwer, Yes An effential part;for Confent isof the Effence of it: and Love is tffential to true confent,.to receive any ()Airedgood : Not love as it is a Pafflon, but as it is.an at% of the rational Appe- tite; which is but Veils; And Eltgere,Confentire,41ccektare are nothing elfe but a refpeflive Willing. 2 But it is not Love as a Venue in general, or as exercifed on anyother objett,which is this effential part of the Condition : but only love to him whom fhe marrie[h. And fo herfittt love is nereffary toher Pardon and Dignity as begun ; andher continued love-( and marriage-faithfulnefs ) is neceffary to them as they ace to be continued : ( fuppofing the Prince to know the.heart as aril cloth. ) u.2. h ir then ameet phrafe tofay,that the ispardon- edami dignifiedbrlovingfach a Prince ? Anfw. it bath fome Ttuth ¡air, but ir is not a fit fpeech ; but rather that it is by marrying hi»,, becaufe Love is but a part, or as it were an.Af, feaion of that L7ktarriage Covenant orconfent ;which indeed, cloth dignifieher. Love maybe without marriage, but not Marriage ( cordially ) without Love. So in ourprefent cafe, juftitying faith is the very Marriage ,Confent or Covenant with Chrift ; It is therfore fitter to fay, we are iutlified by it, thenby love ; becaufe the former expreffeth the full conditi-- on the latter nor. 3. ¡[lovebe anefential part ofthe 4'íarriage4onfint, then may we not ax,srellJay, Marriage case.- olo Marriage, as tofay,Uktarriagecaufeth Love. Anfwer No. , For I. That Lovewhich it caufeth,.is the following adsof, Love. 2. And the name of Love is molt ufually given only tothe Patfion which is in the fenfitive but not ufually to the ItuSer Ville, the elicite ad of thelational I.have inta