(3+9:` been the more prolix on this, becaufe it ferves alfo for an= Ewer to other of your Obie&ions,efpeciallythe third. 2 You :obje& [ of el-Precepts are owns, if not all, the' fame with the noral L4'* ifjifiafjed then byobedience to them; are We not jrsfified by the work!, of the Law i'` ere. Anfwer. x. 74mes yields the whole. z. If you fpeak of our Juftifi cation at firft, by which, of guilty and lyable to condemna- tion, we become rah in curia,' or are acquit, I thenyield all that you leek here, viz. that we are not juftified by works; 3: This objeaion is grounded on your formentioned`miftake of my meaning, as if I thought that juftifying faithcontained effentiallyluch obedienceor works. 4. We are not ¡vilified by worksof the Law, if yommean the Law ofrworks, or by anyworks which make the rewardto be not of Grace; but of Debt, which are . the works ,that Paulfpeaks of: s. That whichyoucall the moral Law, viz.= the bare Preceptsof the Decalogue, taken Divif#n, without the fandion , vim: the. Promifeor theCommination , . is not the Law, but one part of the Law : and the other part, viz.. the fandion adjoined; if ,diver(1fied,makesit twodiftin t Laws, though the Duty corn., manded be the fame, The Law that commandeth Swat/ to drink ,Cicutam, is not the fame with that which fhould coma: tnand a lick man to drinkforne for a cure. 6.° That oar Jufti- fication is continued, ton - conditionof our fincere obediences added toour faith, I mantain with7amet. 7.Will youanfwer your own objection, and you tell me what to anfwer : Faith it a.duty of the moral Law : ifwe are juftified by faith, thenwe are juftified by a workof the Law. I know you will not evade a.s.thofe that fay,Faith is not a work;but a.Paflîon: norias thofe that ray, we are juftified by it not .as a work, butas aninftru ment : for I have heard youdifdaimthat.Ifyouíay it :s norm' awork, but asa condition by the free, Law#givera ointed: to thisend, then you fay. as>I do,bothoffaith ,and fecondarilyof works, Bar what Divine denyeth : worksto beacondiri'n-ofi- Salvation,or. of the final `.Jutiification i or of ourprefentjuttik- fkationascontinued, vel tton{amittendi ofdiic Pionens<jaos re-= ceptanr, as Cony. Rergisss faith ; I knombut one:-other evaftsn lcft.in theworld- whiciil ce-thought none would have 4 Y y; 3