C3') as tohim. Aman that lives but an hour after his convertors; is bound ïincerely toobey Chrift according to his Law : but he is not bound to buildChurches, nor to do the work of twenty years. Chrift may be received as King, (and is) in the farne moment in which he is received asjuttifier; and inthat recep- tion we covenant to obey him, and take him for our Lord to the death ; but not to obey himonearth when we are dead ; for we are then freed from theft Lawes, and come under the. Laves of the Glorified. Toyour fixch I anfwer The Texts alledged have no thew of contraditing the Point you oppofe. One ftith,we are ju- fie ed by his Blood : But doth it thencefoflow,(therefore not by Believing in him or receiving him as King arewe made parta- kers ofit.) His Blood is the Purchafing caufe , but we enquire after the condition on our parr. The other Text faith, (through faith in his Blood.) But I. it faith not only in his Blood. 29And his blood is the Groundof his Dominion as well as ofhis ?saßi. fying us o for by his blood he bought all into his own hands For to this end he Died, Role andRevived, that he might be Lord ofDeadand Living. Rom,14:... It may be therefore through faith in his Blool, as the chief part of the fatisfac`fion, and yet neceífarily allo through faith in himfeif , or the Reception of himfdlfas the Chrifh. 3.. Yet doth the Apotilemoft conveni- ently fay,.(throteghfaith in his blood) rather then (through faith in his Dominionor Government,) . becaufe when he (peaks of Faith, he fpeaks-Relatively : not (as fame underhand it) by Faith meaning;Chrift but ufing the name of that Af which fidief:and fullieft relates to its Object ; and fo intending the Obji.ct:more principally then the A. And as it is fitter to fay, that (weare 7ufl`. pd by Cbrifits blood,) then that (we are 7uftifaedby- .hid Kingly Power,) therefore the Apoftle rather . fpeaks offaith in.hie blood, as neerlieft relating to theObjeet. Yet, as heexcludes not Chrifts obedience, (for by hisobedience many are made Righteous) norfai;tb in his cbedience, and'in'his wholehumiliation as well as his blood and in his Refnreef i on,and Intercejon andExaltation ; fo not in his Kingly ®úeo.. Lookbackon the former Example tomake'this-plaind. A poar condemned._woman is delivered and Dignified by marrying a