(352,) Prince that hath redeemedher on that condition: When (he (peaks of. her Deliverance, thewill fay, [I am delivered by the ,Bounty, Goodnefs or Redem,^tion 'ofmyPrince, and fo by marry. ing him that in mercy Redeemed»se.] rather then LI amdeliver- ed by marry+ytn a Prince to Ruleme. ; .Becaufe in the former.fhe .snore fit!ÿ..8z fully' euprefleth moreofthe caufeof her Delive- rance : MuchWs á!l fhe think it a fit fpeech to fay I amdeli_ .veredby marryingan 1,4venger ofhis enemies, a Condensner, a ?unvfher;&tc.) as you are pleafettto fpeak in this our cafe. And yet whodoubts, but her marrying or takinghim for her Huf- band hereafter to Ruleher, as well as prefently to Deliver her, is,the very true Condition on her part ofher Deliverance? Yea, and ifyou fpeak not only of her Deliverance, but of her Dig_ nity.(being enriched, Honoured and made a Queen,) it is the fitteft phrafe to fay (it w&byber marrying a `Prince.) And fo if you ffeaknot only of Pardon and Juftification ( which importaur.Deliverance inflatuts quo priue,)but allo ofour A- doption to be fons,andKings,and Heirs with Chrift,itisno un- fit phrafe to fay, This is byour marryingKingyefiu ; or by re- ceivingChrifl as the.King byRedemption. All the Benefits which we Receive from Chrift(which follow Union) fuch as are Pardon, Juftification and Adoption, do flow fromour Union with bimfelfwhich precedes them. This 'Union is by Faith : We are united to him as to a Head, Huf- band and Prince, and not only as a Juftifier ? therefore from him received as a Head, Hufband andPrince, do theft Benefits ofJuftification and Adoption flow. To yourfeventh Objeâion I. anfwer , by denying the latter part ofyour Antecdent''[that Scripture nowhere rnakes(Chrifts Dominionyou fay,but) C'hrißutn Dominum (you fhould fay,) sheOjai ofjujlifyingFaith.] I never thought that Chrifts Do. minion , nor et his Redemptionwas theproper Objeâof the chiefefta6t of JufiifyingFaith. But Chrifi himfelfas Lord and as Redeemer is. I prove it, 1. Chrifl is the proper Objeâ of ¡unifying Faith (as I (hall anon prove.) But the nameCbr ignifieth asdireâly andfully his KinglyOffice as his Juflify- ing. If you include not his'bcingKing, youReceive himnot is Chriit. z. To