2. ToReceive him as Redeemer is to Receive him as King For his very Redeemingwas a Purchafing them into his own hands, (7oh. t 3.3. Aíarrh.28.18. 70b.17. 2. & 3.3 g. Lake IC). 22. Ephef t.zo;7t. 7oh.5.26,27. K ;coo 14.9. c,) though not only fo. 3. `Pfalm 2. Kl rt the Son left he be .angry,&c. Kifling, or (Omitting to,and Receiving the Son as King(for fo the whole Ptalm expounds it) is the conditionof escaping wrath ; there- fore of Pardon (for Rona er Venia fungi ad verfa :) therefore of our "unification. 4, Math. 11. 27. Come unto me all ye that labour andare heavy laden, tGuilt is the great load : ) But under what Noti- on will Christ become to?Take my yoke, and burtben,&c.Lear°n ofme,8tc. andye'hall find rest to your fouls, Real fromwhat from that they were burdened with; and tha was Guilt,among other things : and to remove the burden of the Guilt of fin- or darkof the Law, is to Pardon and Jutlifie. (I hope you will not fay, that the only Burden that `thrift offers here to cafe them of; was thePharifes rigorous Interpretation of the Law, as I was told you expound ir. ) 5. Luke 19.27. Thrfe mine enemies that mould not I Jhauld -Reignover them,&c. If RejeaiegChris' as King be the con demising finaccording to the tenor of theNew Law ; then Ac. cepting him as King is part of the condition of 'unification. The Confequence is plain, becaufe the said Rejedion con- demneth, as it is the non performance of that conditionwhich muff be performed to the avoiding of condemnation. More Scriptures might be brought; hut the firft Argument alone is fußicient, if there were no more. Toyour eighth ©bjedion I answer. The Obje&of ;unify- ing Faith is ChriU himfeif principally and the word as both Revealing, Offering him,Promifing,Threarning but it is not Chr.ift commanding, flrft, but Chrin as King to Çomwand. This is anfwered in the former. To your ninth Objeäion I answer; when I fay that [Recel zing Lhriff as Loyd is one part of fuffifying Faith,] I fpeak nót of the Act morally, as if it had two parts where it is e ntire : It is but one moral Act to accept of whole Chrilf (if you (peak Z z limply