(34-) fiinply of Accepting, as distinct from preceding Affent and tub fequent Affiance,) But I talkie (pant) in reference.to.the Ob- jecc,whence you fay arifeth the Difference : Though Chrifts Office of Mediator be but one 3 yet from the works of feat of- fice we look on leis Governing,and Pardoning or Juftifying as ditinct parts : and thence I call this act of faith ( a part.). For that you fay of obedience followingfai,h and as an effect and fgn, I-eaflly yield it, But where you fay, that [Troll ù the Genti Vebere the 06- Jetl is an incomplex terml I anfwer; if you take faith as it is Iuftifying (or the conditionofour Juftification ) and not in the ftriéteft fenfe , fo it bath more As then oñe about the incornplex term. And Affiance is the Genus ofone only. To accept ( an offered Saviour, ) is anAd precedent in order of Nature before any other ad of. thé Will; that is, the elicite As are before the Imperate : andTruft is not the Genus of this Betides, Truft is no one ad, but many, and that of both faculcies,and a Negation of feveral alts befides.A certain Argument that it is noone tingle A_`1 that juftifieth ," even in their Judgement that fay > Affiance is the juftifyìngAct: ; when the Scripture fpeaks of faith as Affiance, it includes Accep- tance or confent,which go before Affiance in order ofnature; Yea fotaae of our molt Learned, Accurate Divines, when they fay Affiance is the juftifying faith,do either by Affiance mean only that elicite.ad of the Will, which I call Acceptance,Con- fent or Election,. or elfe (. rather) they mean feveral acts, whereof this is one. So tlmefur Medul.l. t.cap,3.4.13. Fide, qua credimue non to tum aut `Dee, fed in Deum, ell vera acpropria f ducia : non quabat voce notatun certa abfoluta per wafio de bonofuturo, led quh.fignificat Electionem Apprthenfionemfis f cientz ac idonei medii, ac in quo perfna- f e & expe51atio tali;" fundatur. Qreo fenfu dictentur bominee fiducia'nbabere infapientia,rotentiaa, Amicir ac opibusfuis, Pfal. 78.1Z. If therefore you underftandby Affiance many Acts, -of .which velle Chriftum oblatsrn, (called Acceptation,quia volumes objeEtumat oblatum ; and Eleaion, quia volumau me- slium hoe, rejellii alisa ; or ConPent, quia voimnut ex alterins Fremotione geripriaus vodas>st, ) is tJle.firit and chief; (of thofe of