Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(355') of the Will )as Amefiat doth,then I am ofyour mind. Ifyou fay that Ville vet Acceptare is not credere vclfide,» habere itá the common notation of the word : I anfwer t. t includes Velle as its principal Act in the common ufe ofthe word, when its object is an Incomplex term : but indeed it incladeth more alto. 2: Words of Knowledge in Scripture do imply Affect, tion we fay : but millmuch more. z . I anfwer in the words of Amefus,Medul.I. i.c.3.§.2,3 Credere vulgo /ignificat glum intellectut gfenfum teflimonio prebeuti, : fed quoniamconfe- reenter voluntar moverifolet, G extendereleft adampltelendiî" beano ita probatum, ideircofades etiam hunc. Veluntatis actutn defignat fait are quomodo bac in loco necerev o intelltgitur. Eft enit» receptioBoniDrib ratione bona,& intima un o cum eodi, John t. 12. Hinefide, fertur in bonum ; goodTer glomfit no- firum,efl "actu, Electionis : eft actu, Totius hominis; qua.actsti Intellectu, nullomodo conveniunt.John 6.35. Yea further, I doubtnot but where this act of the Will is in fincerity, there isJufificationcertainly confequent : but the term Affiance contains tome acts which Divines fay, do only, follow Juftification: which anAmef7. feems to acknowledge, ibid. § .21. uod vero fiducia diéit urfructusfidei, verumeft de fiducia prout refpicit Deum infutsirum, & eftfpes firma,fedpro- ms refpicit Deum in (hrifloZn præfentia fe offerentem, eft ipfa fide!. Yea the fame fimefitu tells us Medul.14:2. cap.5. That five things concureven to that Belief which we call fides Divina ; viz .1. otitia rei a Dea tedfata.2 ,ffeSic pia erga Denimquafa- cit ut maxime valeat algidnos ipfitee Tefirnontum. 3. Affeufres quiprebetur veritati reflat cpropter banc affeSfionem erga Deum qui eft ejus tefti.r.4. ¿quiet intact in Deana ad Wadqr odprop n;- cur confequendum. S. EleSiovel:zpprehenjio rei ip!lut, qua in Teftimanio nobir exbibetur. So that even this faithhath many acts. Yea, and headds, Primum horum ell in intelleifu : fed non conflituitfide?», &c. ftcundtent,qu`arttem & quint »Aunt in voluntate, 0-conflituunt fidem, profit eft virtu: el- atlas religio- nir.T rtitem (viz. attend'.,) eft in intellects,fedprotzt mevetrtr á volnnrate negne eft proprie fiidei vrrtut;fed cfj^eí`iurr. So that this Do&rine which i. makes three actsof -faith in thevery Z z. z Wzl