(356) will, z, and makes the intellectual acts ( even affent ) to he but an effect of faial, and not the vertu; is far from yours ( though I fcruple not to take in :affent with the reit, for all ic is in the Intellecr,) and if there be all in that faith which is a holy vertue much more muff that which juftifiei contain as much. And indeed to place juflifying faith only in the intel- lect, is fomewhat ftrange for thofe tliat make it the principal Grace,when Philofophers will not give it the name ofa moral Vertue.Por in the underftanding are only intellectual Habits ; but moral vertuts are all placed in the Will, or fenfitive appe.. tite (for that quarrel I will pafs by whether they be only in the fenfitive as 73hrgeefdicitie,&c.) if any therefore wonder that I place faith in fo many acts, and yet makeone the chief eompleative Act, I have yet further this moft accurate Divine faying the very fame as I. PerfeRio amtemfidei eft in Election'e aut apprehenfione ilIa,q2b bonum Propofitesmfit nolrum.Hinc fi- dei niztrora optimé explicates), in Scriptura cum fideles dicontur 4.ikerere Deo, Jof, 23.6. As.a.i 1,23. 6 via»; veritatis eligere, Pfal. i 193031. Where you fee allo that by Affiance and Adbfion, Amefless principally means the very Elicit act of the Will as Election is. And indeed he that obferveth but how theScripture throughout doth hang mans falvation or damna- tion on his Will mainly, (fo far as it may be laid to depend on our own acts, ) rather then on any acts of the underltanding ( but only as they refer and leid co thofe of the Will ) might well wonder,thar jullilying laving faith,the great needfull Mould be only intellectual,and not chiefly in or by the Will,as well as all the refl. re Will not come to me that ye may have life Bow oft would L andye would ? Thefe mine enemies that would not I Aoteld reign over them, &c. whoever Wili,let bias tale or bray freely,&c. Still al noft all is laid on the Will : and vet is not Faith in the Will ? 'Vent may be compelled by evi- dence of Truth, and fo be unvoluntary. And fo a man may he a Believer thus againft his Will: and ifthis will ferve,men may be faved againft their Willge Iknow force think it enough that the Will commands the underflanding to believe. But even Thus faith e.efrnefitu, i4eaei, 1.2. C. they place the firft principle in the Willo Quì fi4es callocant i.e i,Itellectsi,secefariom tamen fatenteir