Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(357) fatertur effe alîquammotiriìtltn volantatit ad a e fum illkm.pra bendan : g:temadmodum in fide humana voluntari :sm effe dici° for adhibere ödem altcu;; fi verc a voluntatependeat fide.r,neceffe eft ut primúprincipixmPeifit involuntate,4.2o But this is on- ly commanding the performance& fo it is thus no elicit act(for Aquinas and others conclude, that Volunrai eft Principium de- terminans odorhumanoi quoad exercitìum actus; intellectas: au- tem gnoad acta.r fpecìñcaiioneni. ) But it is moreover the Wills Elicite A& that I affert. And as I faid, this imperium vola;n tatil may poflïbly be wanting and belief be involuntary for the main. Let me add but one more confideration, ( for I perceive mytedionfners ) If Infidelity as it is a Privation of favingfaith,and fo is thecondemning fin ,be in the Will as well as in the Intellect, thenfaith mull be in the Will too : But In- fidelity is in both. Ergo. &c. That Infidelity which is the Privationof meer affent, is rather faid to be willing,then in the will; but that which is oppotte to jutlifying faith, is in the Will. Luk, r 9.27. Thole n}i.:e enemict rhoWould not I fbould raign over them, bring then hither, 8tc. faith ArnePa Medal. I. 2.cap.5.4.48. Oppon entur ifia( Infidelitas, &c.fdei, non tantum qua tollunt Afenfum ilium Intellectur qui eg ad fibril neceffarius : fed etiam qua ìnferunt & includunt privatio- uem illi:e Electionis Cr apprehenfonit fides qua eft in Volun- tate. Surely an unwillingnefs to accept Chrift for our Lord and Saviour, is no fmall part of the condemning fin , which we therefore call the rejecting of Chrift, ; The treading him under foot ; Neglectingfo great Salvation; Not willing to come to Chrift for life ; Making light of him, when they are invited ro the marriage,( Mat.22.) and malting excufei : Not- rifling thefon, ( Pfal. 2.,) with many the like,which import the Wills refufal of Chrift himfelf, and not only its unwillingnefs to believe the Truth of the Promife or Declaration of the Got-- pel. To your tenth Obje&ion I anIwer by denying the conk- pence ; we fpelk of the foul as rational, and not as fenfitive or vegetative.When the underflanding &Will receive Chrift, the whole foui doth it : that is, every f:tcùlty, or the foul by a Zz 3 full