Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(358) full entire motion in its leveral Ae ings to the Objeft pre- fenced, both as true and good. Your Joy, Hope, Fear, are in the fenticive : And Love as a Pafion, and as commónly ta- ken. And for cí`'ternory,take it for an a a of be Uaderttand- ing ; or ofUnderilanding and imagina.t on conjun t ; or for a third faculty as pleateyour îelf, it will not breed any difficul- ty in thecafe. But whether Fear be properly a Receiving of Chrift, or anyObject as Good,I much queft!on. I take it ra- ther for the Ihunningof an evil, then the Reception of Good. So much for your Objeftions. I will next, as impartially as 1 can,contìder your Anfwcrs to what i laid down for the proof of the Point in Question. But firít I mutt acknowledge , that I have given you and others great advantage against the Doctrine of that ßook,by, the im- methodic;:;lnefs,and neglect of Art, and not giving the Argu. ments in form , which I then thought not to neceffary as now I perceive it is : ( for I was ready to yield wholly toGi- keeofs reafonsagainst formal arguing,Prafat.4nte lib. 2. de Li. bertate,) The prefent expectation of death caufedme tomake that hafte, which I now repent :yet, though I fee fome over- fights in the manner ofexprefíion, I feeno caufe to change my mind in the Doctrine of ir. Alto I mutt delireyou to remember here , that the proofly- eth on your part,and not on mine : f r,nanti inc' mbit pro - batio. It is acknowledged by almoft all, that fide! qua 7u 1ií car, uf jig¢ faith is a Receiving of Chria as Lord, and not only as Saviour or Juftifier : And you and I are agreed on ir, that Faith juftiiieth not as an Inftrument, but as a Condition : fo that they who will go further here and maintain that yet Faith jutifieth only As it ReceivethChrift as Juttifier,or as Sa- viour, and not as i(ing, mutt prove what they fay. If I prove r. that Faith jultifieth as the Condition , on performance whereof the Gift is conferred. 2. And that this Faithwhich is the Condition, is the Accepting of Chrifl as Chrift or the Anointed King and Saviour : ( both which are yielded me; ) I mutt needs think that I have proved that the Receiving Chrift as King, doth as truly Juftifie, as the Receiving him as Prielt or Juftifier : ( Yet I had rather not fay that either Juttifies,, (becaufe