1359) (becaufe i. it is no Scripture phrafe, 2. and feemeth to import an Efficiency ,) but rather, that [we are jsflifled by°it,1 which it}iports here but a conditionality, and is the Scripture phrafe.) Till you have proved your exclufion of faith in one refpect from the Juftifying Office, and your confinement of it to the other, my proof (lands good 1 give you the entire condition : and ubi Lex non difinguit, on eft dzflinguendua,, ; multi) minty dividendum. And though thole that affert theproper l nitru- mentality of faith in Juftifying, or elfe the weer natural condi- tionality may have fomething to fay for their Divifion; (thoughwith foul abfurdities) Yet what you can fay, (who have efcaped thofe conceits) 1 cannot imagine. Me thinks, if faith J uftifie, as the conditionof the Grant or Covenant , and this condition be theReceiving ofChrift as Lord and Saviour, it fhould be impoffible to exclude the receiving Chrift as King, fromJuftifying, till you lint exclude it from the faid conditio- nality. emus adomne valet con ìquertia. To Juftifie therefore Ai the condition (on which the Promife gives Chrift, andwith himJuftification,) mutt needs infer thatwe are jufti- fled by all wharf ever bath filch a conditionality. Yet ( as I faid before) whenwe intend to exprefs, not only or principal- ly the Adofthe Receiver, but alto, or principally, the Grace of the Giver, then it is a fitter phrafe to fay, we areJuftified by faith in his Blood, or by Receiving C firíft the Saviour and Juftifier : becaufe it fullieft and fitlieft expreffeth that Grace which we intend, (and thus Pauloftdoth.) So that they who diftinguifh between Fides qua 3uflifcat, and Fides qua Jufliß- cat and admit that A& into the former, which they exclude from the latter, mutt prove what they fay. ( Fides gtea ju tifi- cat, non Recipit Ckriflumvel ut Regem'vel facerdotem, fed tang tam7uflificat. ì, e. RNA eft Conditio, non off Receptio : Nec qua Recipit 7uflificat ;i.e. Q.:Lea Receltio,nan e/I Conditio : Ma tenia &forma non fuxt confundenda. /Jaw fide; eft quaff ma- terial vet Aptitudo to:tumad officium conditionalitatir r Diflin- Rioigitur ipfa cft inepte. Now to your Anfwers (Pardon this prolixity.) Firft I mutt tell you, that by that phrafe [tie Whole foul J Unman the entire motionof the foul by Underftanding and Wil- ling,