(369) ling to its Obje& both as True and Good : For I know the whole foul may be Paid to underftand in every intellectual A &ton , and to will in every aft of willing. But when it on- ly underftands or A ffents, and not willeth,it doth not A& fully according to its Power, nor according to the nature of its O.b je&, when the Goodnefs is negleeted, and the Trurh only ap- prehended, And it is not a compleat motion, Peeing the A&s of the underftanding are but introdu&dry or preparatory to thofeof the Will, where the motion of the Rational foul is complest. And fo my Argument ftands thus : Ifjuftifying faith be the At both ofthe underftanding and the Will, then it is not one tingle act only : But; &rc. Ergo, &c. Prob. An eced. Juffífying faith is,the Rçceiving ofChrift : but Chriff is Recei- ved by the Underftanding and Will ; ( by the former incom- pleatly, by the latter compleatly : ) therefore Juftifying faith is the Acting both of the Undertfand:ng and Will. Probatur Minor. Chrift muff be Received as Good , and not onlyhis Word (orhimfelf) as true : therefore he muff be Received by the Will as well as the Underftanding : for C oodnefs is the ob- ject of the Will. Here you anfwer i. by confeffìng, that Faith is called a Re- ceiving of Chrii : 2. by interpreting that fpeech ¡_He is Re- ceived by the receiving his Word ,which is received by Affent.] This is worth a fuller enquiry,becau fe the difcovery of the pro- per Object of Faith, will thew the proper Act. The Intellec- tual Act [A(fent) hath for its Objet um formale the Veracity ofGod, or the Authority of Gods Revealing or Teffifying : This is nor it that we enquire after. The material Object (for we muff ufe the Schools termes in this diftînction, though per- haps fitter might be found,) is i. Proximine ; that is,the moral Verity of the Teftimany or Word. z. Viteri: , the Metaphy- fical Verityof the Things fgnified (as ChriftsPerfon, God- head, Incarnation, Refurrection, &c.) The former is but the means to the latter, and for its fake, and not for itsfelf. In re- gard of this act of Affent, you may fay as you do, that 'Chria is Received by receiving his Word : becaufe the Belief of the Truth ofthe Enuntiation is the means ofour apprehending the truth of the Thing propounded. But then r. Thefe are yet two