C6, two ditFnct Acts, as the Objects are diftinctà z. And this Intellectual Act is called a Receiving of the Truth believed but imperfectly , becauïe it leads to that Act of theWill which (in moral ty)is more fiay and fully called a Receiving: and there- fore if Affent produce not that Accep'ationor confent of the Will, it cannot fitly it felfbe called a Receivingof Chrift.(For ofthe Intellects Reception ofthe Intelligible Spciet, I fuppofe we neither of us fpeak.) The material Object of J unifying faith as it is in the Will, is i . Principal, and AAdaequate, which is Chrift himfelf. z. .Subfervient or Inffirumental, which is the Covenant,Promife,or tefiamentary Gifr,in & by which Chrift is offered and Given. Thefe are two dittinct Acts, as the Ac- ceptingofa Teftanent,andofthe Legacy : of a Pardon writ- ten, and the real Pardon thereby fignified : or of the Oath of Allegiance,and of the .Piince to whomwe fwear. But becauf`e ofthe Relationbetween the one and the other Faith may be called a receiving of Chrift, or a receivingof the Gofpela Yet fo, as Rill the proper principal Object is Chrift, and the Gofpei but mediate, as to him. There are my thoughts. Now (ifI am able tounder ftand you)your words import,that in your Judge- ment, Chrift is received two wayes : i. by Faith, and that is only by Affent : and this is only by receivinghis Word : that is,in Believing it to be True. z. By other Graces ; and chofe think,vou refer to the Wills receiving. Againft this opinion Ifurther alledge, i. Almoff all Proteftant Divines acknow- ledge,faith to be the Act ( or rather Acts) of both faculties, ever Dr. Down me not excepted (and Camera himfelf (peaks fometime darkly) infomuch that Melanîthon, loan. Creches andmany more make it the judgement of Proteftants in oppo- fition toPopery. And fo doch 4mefiue in Bellarm. Every. though he judge it (as Camero) not accurate, in Meda1.1.I.c.3. fed. za. Yea he that though it muff be but in one faculty choofeth to place it only in theWill, andexcludes Affent as beingcalled faith quia parit Pew. Excellent Davenant faith, in a lx fidei juj/ìficantis Tota Animafe convertit adceiufam ju- f ificantem.Determin. Q; 38. pag. r74. Andagain, Fides iIl limas feripteera ¡reffificanteno agnofcit, hebet in fe coo:pitC4 oos atixns Yokentarix & IntelleIus. Determin. Q, 31. tpag 166, A a a Again