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(36) Again , Neg3no6is abfierdura fed valde confentaneum videt ) ahem ifum quo rota anima prarifisatur Cr 3uflificatur., adToc tam animamptrtïnere . itant in nudo inte11e51u babe4t initiNas; in Voluntate compdementtnm ibídem. Again, RsodPhilofophan for Voluntater, & Laehalm elf( dual poteutias reipf4 diffin ëtas, dogma pb=lofopbicum eft , abomnibrer band reception ; r The&logicis Idogmati6m firmandis ant infirm4ndis fundamtntatas minime idoneum: Idem ibid. 2.. Affent is not any full moral Receiving of Chia: But faith (which Juftifieth) is a full moral Rcceivingof Chrift; (yob I. z z.) therefore A ífent alone is not the faith that juiti- fieth, T know there is a Metonymic in the word Receive (be- caufe in ftrict fpeech in Phylicks, Recipere eji pari) But it is fo ufuai and near, that inmorality it is taken for a proper fpeecb; to call theAcceptation ofanoffered good [ AReceiving.].. 3.There is loch a thingas the proper accepting ofChrift,requi. red as of flat neceffity to Juftification and Salvation : But this acceptation is not in Scripture called by the name of any other Grace:therefore it is taken for an Act offaíth.The Maj,I hope no.Chriflian will deny. Forwhen Chríft is offered to the world as their Saviour,Redeemer,Teacher,King,Husband ; whocan think that the acceptingof him is not required,yea even in the offer? Not a phyfical Receptionwhich tome abfurdly anddan- geroully dreamof , buta moral ; as when a people take a . man for their Kingor Teacher ; or a woman takes a man for her Husband. And for the Minor : Receiving Chrift offered is not ufuallyexprefldin the term, Hope, Joy,Charity,Repeni tance ; therefore it is included in the word Faitb ( uniees you canname fome other Grace which it is ufually exprefíed by., ) 4. The Grace by which we are united toChrif# is Faith: But it is receiving Chrif4 by which we are fo united to him-; therefore it is faith which is the receiving of Chrift. I fup- pole nonewill deny that it is Chrift bimfeif that we muff be united to by believing, and not the Wordor Promife ; and that it is receiving Chrift which unites us to him, is obvious both from the language of Scripture, and the natureofthe things A. People isunited to theirPrince,. as the head of the. Republ:, z