Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(3163) Republique, and aChurch to their Teacher, and a woman tó her Husband, by the Wills confent or acceptance,and not pro- perly ( but only initially, preparatorily, imperfectly and im- properly,and if it bealone,not at all)by believing the Truthof their words. e"fneefitu faith, (..2/fediel.1.1.c.3.§.18 Fides fawn cum fit primut actui vita nofir4, quit Dec in Cbrifto vivimus, confiftat nece eft in :mime combeo, quern nullomodofacers poteft Affenfg, adbibitui veritati qua eft de Dec. N. By faith it is that we give upour felves to be ariasDi- fciples,Subjects,Members ; ( For Scripture afcribes not this to other Gracesufually orchiefly. And to take him for our Sa- viour and Headjand give upour felves as his redeemed and Members, is all one work. ) But it is not by Affent only,chief7 ly or fully at all, that we give upour felves toChrift as Difci- ples,Members, &c. Therefore it is not by Affent properly or fully that wereceive Chrili. So Amefita ubi fupra, § 19. Cre- diturusetiam porro cum ex miferiafenfa, & cmnimola cum infe, tom in aliis defeau,necefe habeat fe dedere Deo in C tanguamServatori fgpienti cfr fideli , Dediti- onem iflam facere non poteft ullomodo per Affmfsim intellet7aus; fedper ConfenrumVoluntatit. And indeed I think this Dediti- n orfelf-delivery tobepart of Faith : and that the covenant- ing in heart with God in Chrift is the very juftifing faith, taking him for ours,and giving up our felves to him as his : and the external Covenanting is the profeffion of Faith : a! d that Baptifm is the marriage-folemnization, and enge&gfign ar.d means. 6.That Adwhich cannot be difcerned in a Saint (i i. fell) fromwhat may be in the wicked, is not the receiving of Ch/ilt ( fully or properly ) which ¡unifies: But the Ad of A flint to the Truth ofthe Gofpel, as it is in a Saint, cannot in it Pelf be difcerned from what may be in the wi ked. Therefore the Ad of Affent is not the Receiving of Chrift which ;uni- fies. The Major is hence evident : In that ¡unit\ ing faith be'ng the conditionof our Juftification, mull needs be the greet Mark to know by, whether we are juftified or no : But if it could not be known to be fincere it fell, invain is it made a A aa 2 Mask 1 .4 11111.1.111111111rii