060 Mark to know our fate by : yea or a Condition, almoft ; when a man can never tell when he performeth it. The Minor I have endeavoured toprove in an Additional Chap. to the third part ofmyBook of Reft, to which for brevity, i refer you.Dr.Stoug&ton,i have there (hewed you,faith as I: Anufb a faith,Med I.l.t .c.3.§.4. quïevie fidesprafupponat femper aootîtia Evangelii,nulla tames dater in qupquacognitio %alutifera,&.sb Sl.14 qua in gaaibufdam nonfalvandis reperitur, diverfa, nisi conft- gssenter Rion ifiis,volontatis, & -ab ipfo dependcns ob. 7.17. and 8.3 I.3 n. t 70,6,2.3 . I doubt not but( in the Intent net of Degree ) there is a difference between the. Intelltetual a is (as Knowledge and Afí'ent ) ina Saint and a wicked man : but if any think that they are in themfelves difcernable,I would he would tell me oneMarkof thed,ffárence. In their diffe- rent Effeets on theWi11I: know they are difcernable. 7. If you acknowledge that other Graces receive Chrift as well as Faith, and receiving of Chrift .doth make himours, and fo juftifie ; then you mutt acknowledge that other Graces juftifieas well as faíth;(yea not<fecondarily only, but=as: Prin. . cipally as Faith :) But that you will be loth todo. Thecons fequence will not be avoided but by (hewing that there is a twofold receivingof Christ, and that one juftifieth, and the other not : which-whenyou haveproved fromScripture, I wilt yield : but then at leaft I (hall gain this:, that receiving Chrift ¡uftifies not properlyex riatura Ai-Ism:fed ex vauntate Ordinan- :ia::and ifI get that,l get themain partof the caufein contra verfie 8. Affiance is judged by Divines tobe anA&of the Will But Affiance is judgedby the fame Divines tobe the ¡unifying,. Aft : Therefore they judgethat the juftifyingA& ( and con- fequently-the Reception of Chrift ) belongs tothe Will. g.; The *tieorElic-ite a -of the Will which I infift on, is ;. the very firft Act, and goes before Affiance ( as it denotes any other Act.of.the Will : ,) Therefore either thisYe/it mutt be the ;unifying Faith - and Reception of Chrift, or elfe they mutt-fay,thatthere ís a Caving receptionof Chrift that goesbe- fore the ¡unifying faithor Reception : which Pure theywill not antathat make that Faith the aU s primesvitaJpirifualif. to. Laftly,