Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(365) io:haftly,The opinion feems tome fo Improbable,withoutand againft reafon, and fo dangerous [ that God doch affign one only Act of the foul to the Office of juftifying , efpecially the act ofalfent]that I dare notentertain it without proof.It is ima probable that in a Moral, Political, Theological Matter, the Holy Ghoft fhould fpeak,as ifitwere in the ftricteftdifcourf:of Phy(icks,It is improbable that God fhould fpeak toman in fucb a Moral difcourfe, fo as no menute to fpeak, and therefore fo as men could not without a further explication, understand. Doth he that fpeaks of receiving a man to be our Husband, King,Mafter, &c. mean it ofone only Act ? ( though I know Co:,fent is the chief. ) Or he that gives any great matter on Condition of fuch Receiving, Doth he mean that any one dingle Att is that Condition ? Much lets Affento Or is there anybltdyhood, thatwhen other Acts do receive the fame Object, Chrift, in a wayof as high honouring him, that yet. God fhould confine juftificacion toone Act, letting by all the reft ? Yea when the reft are acknowledged to be part of the' Corrd'.tion ? ( and Receiving as Lord , to be the des que. P11know0od is not bound togive man a Rea- fonof his Laws,: but yet he ufually cloth it; and we mull take heedof that tobe Gods Law, which appears unrea fonabl'e,till we can prove what we fay. Yea what a dangerous lofs will Chriftians then be Pt who will hardly ever be able to.find`out this tingle Act, what it island when they have it ? And he that knows how qu'ek Spi its are in their actings, and withall how little able we are ro obfcrve and difcern them (perhaps many doubt,whether you can find a name for any fin gee act of a foul, or know when it is one Acr,andawhen.many. In the forementioned Inftance , A woman is condemned for Treafon ; thePrince writeth to her that hehato deafly paid her R.anfom, &will not only deliver her,but alas, matte her his Queen, if the wilt Believe this, and Receive him accordingly ; Ifnow the Lawyers fhould difpute the cafe what fingk ac`f it was that flhe was Delivered and Dignified by, whether anaá ofthe Inrelled onty,or oftheWill only? whether Affenc on- ly, or Affiance? Yea whether. agencio *gel pariendo(as, many here do.) would not mcn think that learning made them.dote ? Artdi would:entreat you to confider, whether is were Gods A a 3. as cfign.