Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 347) Here youanfwer that [the whole heart notes not every inward faculty, bat (as often) fincerity, ] To which I Reply, r. The word [Whole-II yield to IIlyricue Lignifies thefincerity, which is ufuallyexpreffed by integrity but the word [Heart] figni- fies the (ubjal ; and is commonly taken for the Will, and oft for the whole font Vriderf#anding and will, ( as molt Fathers, Schoolmen and Divines judge in the Point , though the two former placed too much of it in the Affent : ) but where and' howoft doyou find the word [Heart] ufed for the foie Intel- lect ? I pray fhew the piace. 2. Theproverbial fpeech [with all the Heart} is not ufed in Rom, i o. ic. but only the fubject barely expreffe l : with the Heart man believeth to Righteonf nefr. My third Argument (as you place it) was to another ufe; which is of lets moment. As I judge Faith to be taken, i.fome- times more ftrictly for meer Affent to a Teftimony : (fo 74mu takes it whenhe faith, the Devils believe.) 2. And fometime, more fully for Affent and Acceptance, or Content : (fo Paul takes it; arid fo it juftifieth.) So 3. I fuppofe it is fometime taken molt largelyand improperly, for the full performanceof the conditions ofthe New Covenant. If any deny this,I have no mind tocontend for it, becaufe it is but about a word, and not the thing. . Your anfwer is twofold I. that Heb. 5.9. fpeakt of obeying Chrift; but dóth not call faith obeying Chrift. I Reply. That Obedience which containeth the Condit on of falvation by Chrift (whereofJuftification is a part) mint needs include Faith : But the word Obedience Heb .5 9. containeth the condition offalvationby Chrift; them fore it includes faith. He is become the Author ofEternal falvation to all thine that obey him. Your fecond anfwer is, [It may beobedience by {Af"nt, skit Chrifi tithe Mefah, died, rote, &c.] Rep!. I. if Obedi+°rice ' of sheer Affent be not made thecondition of Eternal falvati- on in Scripture, then it isnot that obedience which is here mentioned: But the former is true : therefore the latter. 2.The firft Affent-to thefe Gape! Truths is not in a-full"proper fence calledObedience toChrift at all :thereforenot here to be fo nderfood As ftlbjection, fo obedience is a term of Relad- oa;