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(369) fore otherJraces jufifie as well as Faith. TheCònfequence is a poetnur adOmne. Wl, 47ncxt'Hi and welav05,t, import in their firft fignificati- on, 4;` not toour bu(inefs fa much as in what fenfe they are cortfionly ufed : No doubt theymay lignifie properly our ridding toperfwafion, improperly calledObeying : but that they are put for proper Obeying ufually in Scripture, molt In- terpreters affirm. You may therefore as well draw to your purpofe the Latin Obea'ire, becaufe it is but quafi ob.audire. Indeed the Obedience to a Teacher ( as to Chrift and his Mi- nifters, and of Scholars to their Matter) who ufeth both Ar- gument and Authority, is fully and fitly expreffed in thole words. The word [ Gofpel j is principally fpokenof the Doc- trine of Good tidings or Mercy by Chrift ( but Pure notonly of the hiftorical or Declaratory part, but alfo, yea principally of the Promife or Oíf:r : ) but the whole NewCovenantor Lary of Chrift ( for fo it is, and fo theAncients unaminoufly call it) containing Precepts and Threatnings alto, is called his Teftament, Covenant, . Gofpe!, being fo denominated from the more excellent part, He4.7. i8, r9,22. The Teflament of refits is oppofed to the Commandments of the Law, and called Better : therefore it comprizeth Chrifts Commands , proper to him. And is it not Chrifts whole Law which is of force whenhe is dead, and called his Tei7ament ? Ht6.g. 17. And when the Apoif le faith, They were made able t.../^kliniflers of the NeW re/lament, doth he mean only of the Ht:gory, or the Precept offaith, and not of Lave, Hope, Repentance his preaching wirnefs, as the Expofitors, 6,c. Let P , ( Cor. 3 .6. ) Or let Chrift ingiving them their Comn,iffon tell youwhat that NewTeflament is,Mat.28. Go Di f rp!e all Nations, &c. teach- ing them toobferve all things What ever I command, And not to ftrive about words, you know that New Law of Chat, which is called his Testament, Covenart,cofpel,&c. bath all the Precepts in it which you mention. Is it not Precepts as well as Narrations which Mark clls the rofpel, Mar.'s. ? Was it not theGofpel which Chi& and the Apoftles preach- ed ? And they preached Repentance and Fa;tlo, and fo com- manded Duty : If a man lookhis Life forpublfhing orobey« Ebb ing