Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

('3) Pr5poji,i'in 9. It is undoubtedly the duty of every Sinner, in the fenfe of his guilt and mifery, to fly to the Ranforne of Chrifts blood and the Merit of his Obedience, as the fa`tisfa- äiion to Clods Juft ce, and the Purchafer ofour Ju iification. And he that doth not this, how willing foever he may feem to learnof Chr ft as a Maher, or to be ruled by him, yet cannot be juftified or faved byhim. Propftion to. I eafilygrant that Faithqud Chrifftsm Pro- phetam et Dominum recip t, doth not juftifie ; but only fides quii (hriflum Prophetam & Dominum recipit, e- grid eft pro mif e nis Conditio pr4ita. But then I fay the fame allo of Faith in Chrift as Prieft, or inhis Righteoufnefs. Having explained my meaning in thefe tenPropofitions, for preventing of Objections that concrn not the Controvertie, but run uponmihakes, 1 fball no* proceed toprove the Theis, which is this. Thetis. Ws are juffiiedby god, by our 23elieving in Chrif as Teacher and Lord, andnot only by Relieving in his blood or Riskeoufnefs. . Argument i. My firft Argument Ihall be from the Corn cefíion of thofe that we difpute with. They commonly grant us the point contended for : Therefore we may take it for gran- ted by them. If you fay, What reed you thendifpute the point, if they deny it not whom you difpute with ? I Anfwer, Tome of them grant it , and underhand not that they grant it us ; becaufe they underhand not the fenfe of our Affertíon. And fóme of themunderhand that they grant it in our fenfe,but yet deny it inanother fenfe of their own ; and fo make it a Itriie about a fyllable. But I (hall prove the Conceffion, left forceyet dikern ir nor. If it be grantedus, that Believing in Jefus Chrift as Lord and Teacher, is a real part of the Condition of our Juhifica Lion , then is it granted us, that by this believing in him we are juftified, as by a Condition ( which is our fenfe, and all that we affert ) Rut the former is true Therefore fo is the la- ter. For the proof of the Antecedent (which is all) Firfi Try whether youcan meet with any Di° ine that dare deny ir, who C 3. believeth :