Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(37°) îng arias Precepts, doth not the Promife belonzto`him; M4r.8.35. and to 19? Or is that Promife to them uly that fuffer for the Declarative part only ? Is the Gofpel th' muff be publifhed among all Nations, the Hillary only i' c.)W 3, Io Was the Precept of 11ccrpc ;ng Chri(i, loving him in 1h- cerity and obeying him &c. no part of that Gofpeisto whicl, Paul i gas ;elan ted ? Ro .. r .I .in which he ferved in Spiirit,ver. 9 of which he was'not áfh-rned, vtr. 16. and which he was put in t-asf *iris, ,, t The f 2.2,4. Was it only the Dec/an/rim of Chriffs Death,R.efurrrection, &:. which is the Gofpe! ac- cording to which men: fecrets mrefi be judged? Rom.z.. i6. or according to which the ?errs are enemies, Rom. i t . 28. com- pared with Luk, T 9.17. Is not it larglyer taken,7 Cor.8 18 ? And fubjection to the Gofpel implies it preceptive, z Cor. 9. 3. `Peters withdrawing and feparating from the uncircum- cifion, and fearing the Jews,and difíembling, and Baruabas with him, was A not w2lking according to theTrntb of the qef- pel, Gal.2.14 The falfe Apoftles preached another Gofpel, and the Galathiass turned to another Gofpel, when the former preached, and the later received the Doarine of the Necefi'r- ty ofbang circartacifed, and keeping Mofes Law, Gd. 1,6,7e fo that the word [ Tof ament j and LGofpal ] includes Laws or Preceptsof Duty. 4. To that of the fenfe of gal. 3.I'2223. about the largeff extent of theword- Faith, it being as I Paid, of fo ;mall mo- ment, I intendnot to infift an it. My meaning is but this that force other Graces are intended redu&ively,and the chief named for all. Butby your anfwer I underftand, r . That you take not faith to be the whole fulfillingof the condition of the New Covenant : which conceffion ;hall fatisfie me, what ever you think of the fenfe of the Word, or thefe Texts. 2.but the reff ofyour Anf.I am unfatisfied in.You fay[by Faith only the condition oftheCovenant concerning ?uffi ficaiion in this Life isfreltilled ; not concerning every benefit of the Nero Cove- nant : Repentance is the condition of Resnifonof fins : forgive- ing others, doinggood to the Saint;, o f entering into Life.] :Reps. I. You know that not Wetten and many great Divines of England only, but of themost famous Tranfmarine, do take knit°