(37r) 74, c .ion and Re;af f on to be one and the fame thing. I have recei e. Animadverfions from divers learned Divines lately ondefe Aphorifms , and three or four of them hl?me me for Waking any difference between J uflification and Remiffion though I make as little as may be. And can you think thou that Remiffion and Jultification have leverai conditions ? If they are not wholly the fame, yet doubtlefs the difference is exceeding (mall, and rather notional then real. The fame Commination ofthe Law doth bothcondemn and oblige to punifhrnent. Remiffion is a difcharge from the obligation to Punifhmenr;and Juftirìcation is a difcharge from the con. "m- nation. So much then as that Obligation to Puni! n-Jenr differs from the Laws condemnation, ( which is nothinp,or fo little as it is not obvious to be difcerned, ) fo much dud] Re- mifion differ from Juftification. Yea even thofe Divines that io pleading for the intereft of the active Righteoufnefs to Juftification, do to that endmake juffilcarion to have two parts ; yet one of them, they fay, is Remifsionof fin; &s-the ocher is the Imputation of Rightse2.1411. And I pray how thencan thefe two parts of the fame Jufiification have twodi- vers conditions, fo as one is appropriated to one, and excluded from the other ? Iremember no reformed Divines, but they either make Ju tification and Remifsion to be all one; or Remifsion to be part of_jufiifieation, or elf° to be two Rela- tions ( or other effe s) immediately and at once ( in order of time, ifnot of nature) rcfulting or proceeding from the fame foundation ( materially ) orother caufee ThoughCa- mber and arad,arpmake them to differ, it is but in this nar- row ( and almoft unconceivable wly) but in time toconcur. I muff therfore di =ter from you in this, that they have divers conditions : and wait for your proofof But it fcems you will give us leave ro fay, A man is not pardonedby faith only; And yet he is joft;f1ed by faith only ! and that ac a condition ! Faith then it feems can do the whole, but not one half (as foal: judge)or cando,and nor do the fame thing'as others.) 2. But do you think that Repentance is not necefarily Antecedent to ?unification, as well as to Re.mw :ere ? If you fay No; the current of the Gofpel-Doc`trine will confute you : Bh b 2 which