(37Z) which ufually putteth Repentance before Faith an, thole Divines that fay it followeth after it, do yet make then..on_ cur inorder of time. But if Repentance do neceffarily c- cede Juftification, ( as I doubt not but you will yield) thc, let meknow to what purpofe,or under what notion or refpe&, if not as a Condition ? Can you find any lower place togive it ? 3. But if you lhould mean that Faich and Repentance are the conditionof our firft Juftification andRemifsion, but afterwardsonly of our Remifsion. I Anfwer, i.. According to your Judgement (who take Juftification tobeonead tran- fient, once only performed, andneither a continned At , nor renewed, or repeated, ) neither Faith nor Repentance after. wards performed,are any conditionsof ourJuftification in this Life. This may feem a heavycharge, but it is &plain Truth; For that Juftificationwhichwe receive upon our firft believing bathonly that lift A&of faith for its condition (or as othets fpeak, its Inftrumental caufe ) We are not ¡unified to day by that a& of Faith, which we (ball perform to Morrow, or a Twelvemonthhence;fo that according toyour opinion,and'all that go that way, it is only one (the firft) A& ofFaith which ¡unifies ; and all the followingAds through our whole life, do nomore to our Juftification,then theworks of the Lawdo. I would many other Divines that go your way ( for it is com- mon as to the difpatcbingof Juftificationby oneAd) would think of this foal abfurdity. ( You may add this alfo to what is laid before, againft your opinion herein, ) Where then is theOld Dodrineof the Oft livingby faith, u, to 7uftifaca- lion ? I may bear with thefemen ( or at leaf(, need; not won- der,) for not admitting Obedience or other Graces tobe conditions of Juftification as continued, when they will not admit faith i t Pelf. Who fpeaks more againft faith,they or I ? 'When I admit as neceffary that firft ad, and maintain the ne- cefsityof repeated ads, toour continued Juftification; arid they exclude all fave one Inftantaneous ad? z. And what rea- fon can anyman give, why Repentance fhoukl be admitted as a condition of our firft Juftification, and yet be no condi- tionof the continuance of it ? or what proof is therefrom Scripture for this ? I (ball prove that the continuanceof our JuUi. .