(373 ) juftifirdon bath more to its condition then the beginning ( theegh learned men, I know gain-fay it : ) but Purely Leff it carnot have. 4. But whydo you fay onlyof Repentance that [it is the condition ofRemiffion] andofforgiving others, that. [it is the condition ofentring into life? ] Have you not Chrifts exprefs words, thatforgiving others is acondition ofour Remifon ? if 'eforgive men their trefpaf fes, your heavenly Father will f orgive you; but ifyouforgivenot mën, &c. Nay, is not Reformation and Obedience ordinarilymade a condition of forgivenefi ? I refer you to the Textscited in my 4phorifrns : orafbyou, make youclean, put away the evil of jour doings,&c. then ifyourfans be ar crimfon,&c He thatconfefeth andforfakfth hisfin,fha11have mercy. And I would have is confidered, ifRemiflion and ju- ftification be either the fame, or fo neer as all Divines make them, whether it be pofáible, that forgiving others and Re- formationor newObedience fhould be a conditionofthe con- tinuance or renewal of a pardoning A&, and not of Juftifica- tion ? Doubtlefs,che general Juftification muff be continued, as'wen as thegeneral pardon : and a particular Juftification I think after particular lins, is needfull as well as particular par_ don : ' or if the name [ hould be thought improper , the thing cannot be denyed. Judicious Ball faith as much as I (yet men were not foangrywith him,) Treat. ofCovenant. pag. 2,0.21. [Adifpofttion togood Works iQ neceffary to yuf#ification, being the qualification ofanally, lively faith. Good works ofall forts are necefary toour continuance in the jiate of ?unification , and fo to our final Abfolution, if6odgive opportunity : but they are not the caufeof, but only a precedent qualification or condition to finalforgivenefs and Fternalblifr.] Andpag.2i. [This walk' ing in the light as he is in th° light, is that qualefixation whereby we become irnsased iaty capable ofChri,/ls Righteou fne f or allial participants ofhis propitiation, Which is the foie immediatectufe ofore jollification, taken for Remittals offns or atlual appro- bation with God. ] And pag. 73. [ Works then, or apurpofe to walk with God, jujufie as the pafvequalification ofthe fubjet capableofJuflification, or ate the pealficationof thatfaithwhich jsifli /leth.] So he, B b b 3 5. blow