C3743 5; How will you ever prove,that ourEntering ìntu .,:fe and our continued remi f an or ;unification h,tve ° ,r the lam ,'pan_ ditions?that thole Graces are excluded f.. ,ewhich btng to the other.Indeed the men that are for Faiths Inftrumena_ lity, fay fgmewhat to it.; but what you cari fay I know not. And for them, if they could prove Faith In;Ttrumental in jufti- fying eon.m.ne, becaufe it receives Chrift by whom we are ¡u- nified ; they would allo prove it the Instrument of Glorify- ing, becaufe it Receives Chrift by and for whom we are faved and Glorified. And fo if the Inftrumentality of Faith muff exclude obedience from ¡unifying us , it muff alto exclude it fromGlorifyingus. And I marvel that they, are f.) loofe and early in admitting obedience into the workof faving, and yet not of continuing or confummating Jultification,when the A- poftle faith, By Graceye a re faved, by Faith, &e ; and fo ex- cludes obetFerce from Salvation in the general as much as he any where doth from Juttificationin particular. 6. But laftly, I takewhat you grant me in this Sec4ionn and profefs that I think in effeayou grant me themainof the caufe that I Rand upon. For, as you grant, r. That faith is ,toC the whole condition ofthe Covenant. z, That Repentance alfo 41. the conditions of Reenifon (which is near the famewith Juftifica- tion) 3, ?hat obedience is thecondition of glorification (which bath the fánte conditions with final and continued Juftificati- on.) 4. So you fetal to yield all this as to our fall jas`fift- cation .,t 1 udgertefit. For you purpofely limit the conditiona- lity of meer faith to our /auftification in this Life. .gut if you yield all that I defare (as you do, if I underftand you) as to the ball jufti cationat Judgement, then we are not much dif- fering in thisbufìnef . For I take ( as Mr. Burger doth, Lea. ofJaftifacation zg.)our cothpleateft and rnoft perfeft Juftifica- tion to be that at Judgement. Yea, and that it is fo eminent and confiderable here, that I think ah other Junification is fo called chiefly as referring to that.And me thinks above all men, you íhould fay fo too, who make Jollification to lie only in fententi:s judicie, and not in fententiaLees And fo all that go your way (as many that I meet with do.) If then we are ¡uni- fied at Gods great Tribunal at Judgement by obedience as the