Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

c37n the tier dorypert of the condition of the Covenant (which you feel to }yield.) ; . We are agreed in the main. z. I can- not,et believe that our Jo flification at that par bath one con, dion, and our Juftification in Law (or in this Life , as conti- sued) another. He that dyetb jaflifed, was fo jutlified in the hour of dying, on the fame conditions as he muff be at i udge- menr. For T. There are no conditions to be performed after death. 2. Sententia Legie e fertentia jr,dicie do juftifie on the fame terms. Add to all this what I grant to you, [that our ?unification when firfl begun here, is by faith C[uppofng Repen- tance) before and s ithostt the pra5iceofobedience,] and then fee how near we are. The fifth Argument which youmention9is grounded on the common Maxim, 21 onof difinguendues ubi Lex on difinguit, and runs thus : If the Scripture in propounding to man the adxquate Object of juflifying Faith, (Chrift) donot divide Chrifl, and fay, Linbelieving him tobe a Prier , your faith is juflifying, but not in believing him to be King or Prophet, or Head,] bat propoundeth Chrift undivided as this Object; thenmuff not we diflinguifh or divide, but take Chrift entire- ly for the objeel of juflifying Faith. But the Scripture doch not divide ordiflinguifh in this cafe; thereforewe mutt not. It is Chrift that muff be Received,end believed in r but a Saviour and not a King,is not Chrift. It is Chri,Ê as Chrift. His very Name fignifieth as direthly hisKingly office at teat} as his Prieftly. And ifyou confers that the fame act of Faith at the fame inflant Receives Chrifi both as i rie f and King, then I Ihall flay my affent toyour opinion till you bring me the Scri- pture that faith, it is faith i thFJ not;on ; 4.4not in that :4;4 jut fie;. God fpeaks plainly that Whofö;ver believeth ¡hall be ju/1ifed from all things,&c. And you confers this Relieving is the ReceivingC,órif for King and Priefiz ; and that it juttifies as a condition; and doch not your (unproved) dillinction over throw this again ? The flitch Argument which you mention, runs thus : if Scripture particularly propou d Chrift as King, as the Object of juftifying Faith, then Chri.a as tr ing is the object of it : But Scripture doth fo : Ergo &c. I have named you fome places where it fodoth , a little before. The