(376) The feventh is to the fame purpofe with the fi you,. name two Texts as proving that Scripture tyeth J uhfcation to the Receipt ofChrift as Prieft only : But there is not ,word in the Texts to that end. Rom3.z5. fpeaks of Faith in Ci,ifts blood, but not a word for excluding Faith in his Obedient, Refurre&ion, Interceffion, or Power, much lets excluding oul confent to his full Authority or Office. the word [Only] is not inthe Text. You may aswell fay,that it is[onej by faith in his Name, and fo not in his blood, becaufe other Texts fay, it is by faith in his Name. See Alb i 3. I 6. The other Text, Rom.5.g. fpeaks neither aword of Faith, nor excludes Chrifts obedience ( by which many are made Rig/gem) nor RefurreEli- on ( for he Rofe again for our 7uflifscation.) nor his Intercefon, (forwho Atoll condemnus ? it is Chrift that died , yea rather that Rofe again, and is,even at theright handof God , Who alto mabeth Interceffîonfor us, Rom.8.34.) And all thefe parts of ChrisPrieftly Office muff be excluded, if you will affix the word [Only] to the Text, which faith, we are jeJfifí'ed by hú blood. Indeed you make fo a quickdifpatch.in the Controver- fie about the a&ive and paffive Righteoufnefs. The fame anfwer ferves towhat you fay in the eighth, and ninth,and tenth,being the fame with that you fay here. I mar- vail how youwould form anArgument from zCor. 5 2!. Gal. 2.21 1 Where you fay Obedience is not an effenaial part of Faith, I yield it willingly, taking faith properly and ftriclly, and not in the largeft improper fence. But that it jutlifies as immediatly as it Receiveth him as King, as it doth inReceiving him as Prieft, I fhall take for proved , till you prove the law- fulnefs here of dividingChrilt,andFaith,or diftinguifhing,and appropriating juftifying toone refpe&, and excludinganother in the fame a&of uelieving, and the fame Objeet Clariít. And towhat is faid before, let me yet add this, i. If Chrift be not received as a truecompleat Saviour, except he be Received as King, then Faith juftifies not as it Receiveth him for Prieft only : (foryou hereconfefs that he juítifies as he is Received as aSaviour.) But the Antecedent is evident : for as King be faveth bis people from fin and Satan, and all their enemies. ergo, &c. z. If