Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(377) 2 If Chrift as Kingto juflifie us, then he'muft be Received as King to Juftification. But the former is undenyable, Mar. 25, &c, Ergo. &c. The Confequence is railed onyour own Grounds. The eleventh Argument (asyou number) loth fuppofe fe@ veral points ( very weighty with me which I undertake to make good) which do overthrow the unfound grounds which the contrary minded go upon. r. I fuppofe that Faith ja-' ftifteth principally ex Yolsrntate ordinantis, and not ex nature aEtru ; though it have Aptitsudinens ad oficiron in àpfa rei n4- :tint . 2. I fuppofe Chrift is firft received by Faith and his Benefits come with him , and in order of nature are after the Receivingofhim. There things being fuppofed, it prong® ly perfwades me, that the entertainment of Chrift as King,was never intended byGod to be excluded from the conditional Intereft in Juftification, when I find in Scripture that his own Dominionwas anend of his Death, Refurre&ion and Revi- ving., and that God doth fo infift on this point, tobring theworld to fubjeâion to Chrift, Pfaim z. erc. And that the honouring and advancingof God the Father, and the Me- diator God-man, is themoft Noble excellent ale ofour faith. Is it thenany whit probable that it is Gods meaning to exclude this refpe& of the a& from any condicionali y herein? Shall I again tell you the trueground of mens mifiake (as I think) in this Point ? They look on Faith as if it were a natural Re- ception, and didmake the thing received theirs immediatly and formally, as it is fuch a Receiving ex natasra rei, and not as it is Receptio moralit whole ale& depends wholly on, and its efficacy or Intereft is derived dire&ly from the Will, Con® flitution or Ordination of the Legflator and Donor, and fo cloth what it doth as a condition in Law fence. And I pray fearch, whether in this Queflion, you do not confound your Notions ex parse aid-1i, and ex parte A1u ? Let me con- clude all by the Illuftration of my former fimilitude. A wo- man condemned for Treafon, is Ranfomed by the Prince, who Decreed), that if the will Believe that he is her Redeemer, and will take him as her Matter.. Redeemer and Husband, the :hall be Delivered and made his Princefs ; elfe not. Now the C c c .question, ¡; !